Pure and others meet Kettle Black!
I've been having internal discussions similar to what is in this post... prior to the big news.
Storage Ed in this other thread says this:
"You dismiss EMC dropping their pants. Their long datacenter dingdong will steamroll Pure and all these Flash startups. They can drop their trousers all day cus Xtremio like Pure is cheap commoditty hardware. The materials cost for a 50TB atray from either vendor is around $80k.. Tops. And EMC can operate with a dingleberry of margin while Pure starves."
What I mention internally is that same hammer is aimed at EMC. I'm sure EMC just loves the fact that XtremIO wins the VMAX takeout not "the dreaded competition." A pyrrhic victory. Not sure what it means other than being dependent on hardware margins (and software and maintenance thereof) is not a good place to be.. now and going forward.