back to article Shonky securo-nightmare NHS apps library finally binned

The NHS' security-flawed Apps Library has been shelved, following widespread criticism of the site. Last month Imperial College London revealed serious problems with a number of the 79 apps sitting on the NHS-branded store. These included software tools that provided diabetic users with inappropriate insulin doses, handed …

  1. Roo

    Which is true ?

    "The NHS said the Health Apps Library reviews and recommends apps on the basis that they are clinically safe, relevant to people living in England and compliant with the Data Protection Act."

    [A spokesman stressed] "the scheme does not formally "accredit" apps."

    Because the first quite clearly is accreditation, and if they're not formally "accrediting" apps then what is the point of this app store and why are they spending valuable NHS funding on promoting "unaccredited" apps ?

    1. Captain Badmouth

      Calm down

      The person in charge has been upgraded through the ranks because his/her brother knows someone who can repair computers/ipads/mobile phones and has done few for the staff in HR. Get a life, this person is holding down a responsible position, responsibly, and can't be expected to know the ins and outs of every little app. that comes their way : If they do something and look pretty surely, that's enough? ( Err, the app. not the employee. Err, I think...) We can't spend any more money on this sort of thing, we have outsourced management consultants to look after.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Insider view

      I worked for NHS England when the app store was first launched and was involved in the original launch - from what I saw the whole on boarding process of apps was done very late in the day (in time for that year's Innovation Expo, not based on the time that was actually needed to review every app that was submitted) so very rushed, lots of paperwork but from what I can remember very little need to submit any clinical evidence. I don't know if there was anyone overseeing the clinical evidence of the apps they were on boarding and it's interesting that about a year after launch the NHS stopped talking about the library entirely and essentially buried it. Since then a lot more apps have been added but I've noticed none of them seem to have the level of detail that was required for the first apps to be added.

      It will be very interesting to see what happens next - there has been talk of NICE taking it over, accreditation, kite marking etc..

      1. Roo

        Re: Insider view

        Thanks for the inside knowledge, albeit a bit of a downer if it's an accurate picture. I'll fire an upvote in your direction for bearing the bad tidings. :)

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So what happens if the NHS's track record with data is the thing giving you the anxiety disorder in the first place?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I've always assumed NHS IT in all its forms is a psychology experiment being conducted by doctors rather than a serious attempt at providing IT and services. I'm certain the results are due out any year now - what else could they possibly come up with to test us?!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        lol until your last word I was assuming you were some yank righty going off on that dirty commie socialized medicine.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          If you'd ever worked in/with NHS IT you'd think it was a psychology experiment too :) Very much like that electrified cake/beer in the Simpsons - looks great but don't go near it or you'll be zapped!

  3. Trollslayer

    More rigorous arse covering

    Is what they really mean.

  4. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Perhaps it should be NICE which accredits apps

    That's what they're there for after all...

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