first thoughts
Crossbar is looking dead in the water.
HP will finally get to build The Machine... in 3 years maybe.
What happens to HP and Hynix?
HP and SanDisk are joining forces to combat the Intel/Micron 3D XPoint memory threat, and developing their own Storage-Class Memory (SCM) technology. SCM is persistent memory that runs at DRAM or near-DRAM speed but is less costly, enabling in-memory computing without any overhead of writing to slower persistent data storage …
SanDisk is a better partner for HP than Hynix. It's pretty certain that byte addressable NVM like XPoint/PCM/ReRam will cannibalize DRAM sales before ramping to the point where it is cost-competitive for bulk storage. Hynix was always going to slow-play anything that threatens DRAM.
That said ReRAM is a long way from mass production.
"HP will contribute its Memristor technology and expertise, while SanDisk will provide non-volatile ReRAM memory technology, not that we knew it had any, and manufacturing and design expertise."
How soon does El Reg forget the whole lawsuit ? google Diablo Netlist lawsuit...
Not really much of a flame, but using similar packaging and most of the device drivers should help get a product to market faster than not. Assuming you have similar densities to competitors... you could probably fit 1 to 2 TB per DIMM slot. (My estimates)
Memristor being the Duke Nukem of memory technologies is hardly some secret at this point, more vaporware pronouncements or not. Also HP today hardly scares anyone in their tracks like Microsoft and Cisco did in their heydays. They only seem to be good at major cull of employees and board dysfunction.