.bro or .br?
I think it should have been left as .bro. Do you know that the iOS game "Word Warp" accepts "sis" as a word, but not "bro"?! What's up with that? So we'll take our bro's anywhere we get them, thank you.
In late September, Google released a compression algorithm called Brotli and gave files it makes the extension “.bro”. But last week the extension was changed to “.br”. The reason for the change is threads like this one, in which posters suggest that “'bro' has a gender problem” and “comes of[f] misogynistic and …
"...the word's been adopted as a prefix in the term ““brogrammer” that denotes macho programmers who bring sexist attitudes into the workplace and make life difficult for women in technology-heavy workplaces"
To be honest it is the first time I ever read about this. Before reading this quite tendentious definition I would believe a brogrammer would cover other brogrammer's mistakes or collaborate with other brogrammers projects' and drink cheap beer while coding. What a world.
You didn't know what a "brogrammer" is? If you've studied pretty much any STEM field at a university in just the last five years, you've likely encountered some feminist myth of male classmates or coworkers who are at the very best rude and unhelpful and at their worst violent towards women wanting to enter the field. It's the excuse of fat humorless women with art degrees to complain about a field they have no knowledge of or other interest in and play speech police targeting every real or imagined slight in classrooms and at conferences.
The gender gap in the STEM fields is very real, but they've probably done more to scare women away from the fields by creating myths like the brogrammer than all the ignorant remarks about women not being able to do math or science.
If you are humorless, overweight and without programming skills but have a nearly useless Arts degree, then you probably deserve the title.
These are the same people who never even TRIED to learn programming (Or expressed any interest), and feel entitled to complain about those who do know as if it is the computer savvy persons fault. JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE MALE!
Tit for tat, I say.
No that reverse discrimination ship sailed a long time ago and we are not falling for their PC bullcr@p any longer!
I opened the comments section to say that as a woman I found it insulting that people thought a file extension would upset me. Having just read through the comments, especially yours, I feel pretty alienated, actually. You call it "a feminist myth" that co-workers are rude or unhelpful to women entering the field. You attribute objection to sexism to "fat humorless women" because apparently objection to sexism comes from not being successful as a sex object... That's the same charge, btw, that has been levelled at feminists ever since we actually started to achieve change. 'Oh, they're angry because men don't want them.' Not, the more accurate, 'we're angry because we face prejudice and double standards'.
It's not a myth that women in the tech sector face prejudice, it exists. You're not likely to encounter it much in Germany .You might encounter it in the UK from time to time. You're almost certainly going to have run into it in the USA if you have worked in the tech sector there for any length of time. Most men I work with are fine, but there are enough people like yourself who share your attitudes, that you encounter this hostile sub-culture from time to time. Up to and including interviewers who are plainly more interested in the possibility of getting laid than in my technical skills. All things that can happen to men, but are far, far from commonly challenges women face in the tech sector.
Personally, I wouldn't give a damn about a file extension being .bro. It should be as much of a non-issue if it happened to be .fem. Except I come here to say that and find all this story has really done, is provide an entrance point for angry people to spew grievances about how "feminists should leave the tech sector alone". As if feminism isn't something that should be normal across all sections of society. Tech is not some refuge for males to defend. It's (or should be) a meritocracy based solely on skill and passion for the subject. Unfortunately it's not. For the most part, people are fine and non-sexist. But only the deeply naïve could think it doesn't have problems (especially in the USA). Or the deeply biased. And someone who throws around nonsense like feminists are motivated by men not wanting them is in the latter camp. Your post is its own counter-argument and a sterling example of the culture that I occasionally encounter. Deeply unpleasant.
Oh the woes of the politically correct days we live in....
In my time, the use of reserved words in my French workplace made everyone smile, such as "con" (generic insult & pejorative term for female private parts), "nul" (Idiot) or even "bits" (pejorative term for male private parts), and associated jokes involving all 3... but no-one went ape about this, it was just accepted....
The same thing about other file extensions that we have come across, in both English and French make everyone smile from time to time, but as time goes on, everyone has an opinion and the loudest are the wishy washy politically correct kind who moan "I'm offended" and believe that that gives them the morally high ground to impose those view on others.
Anyway, in this day and age, we are no longer limited to the 8+3 filenames, why not have just left it at .brotli, .brot or .bli ?
Political Correctness will be the end of me...
"It's not a myth that women in the tech sector face prejudice,"
I tend to find over here in Aus, that women tech's are highly regarded by other tech's but Managers - always the non technical ones funnily enough - tend to be a bunch of numpty's and I expect are the cause of so few women being in the industry. That plus long days, dealing with sometimes abusive customers, weekend work etc. seems to be the reason why women leave the sector, which is a shame.
At university n the 1980s (yes, with punch cards) I tutored programming to countless first/second year students.
I always seemed to get a long queue of people waiting for my help and most of the time I was able to get people to understand why their programs were not working, but not always.
One afternoon (the day before a CS assignment was due), I helped 5 males who understood where their programs were going wrong after 2 or 3 minutes of help. Then came a girl. I deliberately say girl and not woman, because of the way she acted.
I tried to explain something. Then she got angry that the compiler didn't do what she wanted it to.
I tried to explain that a compiler is just a dumb program that only does what you tell it to. She started crying.
She then insisted I write her program for her. I said no, and anyway I had to help these other students too.
She then got angry and said I was sexist. I asked how she thought I was being sexist.
"Well when you helped the boys they understood. When you helped me, I didn't. Therefore you are treating me differently and you are trying to make me fail!."
Me: "Actually I realise I have been treating you differently. If you were a male that gave me this much shit I'd have told you to fuck off long ago."
.brt would have been fine. Bro was stupid, because bro is stupid, it's either used mockingly if you're normal, or seriously if you're a douche. Both are not suitable.
.br is gonna make SOMEONE butthurt eventually, "omg why recognize Brazil and not my country!" is the first thing that pops to mind.
.brt is perfect, we can even pass it off as a homage to the A-10...
".brt is perfect, we can even pass it off as a homage to the A-10..."
Until some idiot objects because it's pronounced "bert" and claim it's promoting the gay agenda, or "bart" and promoting an unsuitable role model for children.
Seriously, you can't do anything publicly these days without someone finding offense in it.
Best responses to this type of thing I've seen are, "You actually managed to find a way to be offended by this? Get psychiatric help, I'm serious!"
Or, "What's it like to be so weak a mere word can harm you so badly?"
RE: "Seriously, you can't do anything publicly these days without someone finding offense in it."
Yeah, you cant even try to accommodate the offended without someone else being offended that you tried. What's a Bro to do when every single person on the planet (that comments in online forums) gets offended by something?
It's a sodding file extension. What a horrific world we live in where the use of a three letter extension could cause controversy.
Heck, I've installed some SIS files in my time and it took this article to make me realise that may have a double meaning:
Mind you, why only three letters for a file extension anyhow? This isn't the 1990s, just give them the extension .brotli and have done with it.
You discovered our evil scheme. All the while we worked on the Symbian installer, we were laughing to ourselves about how our misandrist file extension was destroying the world of men.
Fortunately for our dastardly plot, the patriarchy forced men to pretend to be strong and not injured by this outrage.
Indeed, any modern system is capable of 256 character file names with the dot at any point within it and as many dots as you want. Hell, why do we even have file extensions anyway? OSes should just be able to figure it out from the headers and act accordingly, they already dig into the headers to grab various bits of metadata, so why not grab its file type as well? And once its determined its file type, change the text color to indicate that type to the user.
I like .br as a suffix. It lends itself to many geeky 'extensions' such as:
..and a few more interesting interpretations:
..and (as well) some serious trigger words:
Quite apart from the question of whether changing it is a good or bad idea, I would have opted for .BRT.
To whether this should have been changed or not, I think they made the right choice. Yes, it's ridiculous and yes, everyone should just grow up and stop trying to turn everything into a big issue. BUT, that is just the way things are at the moment and I can't really blame anyone for just sidestepping a potential problem.
Of course, there may be backlash from those who feel that, on principle, the extension should have stayed the same and will believe that people have bowed to feminist pressure, but no such thing happened: an extension was chosen and presented, someone else pointed our a potential problem and the extension was changed.
Would I have changed it? Probably not, but then I am very stubborn and would have stood on principle and told people that the the extension is a simple truncation of the algorithm name and whatever connotation they may see in it - whether negative or positive - is entirely coming from them.
Of course, as stated at the start, I would have made it .brt anyway, not least because it can be pronounced as 'brot' (as in "a 'brot' file"), which fills the criterion of being shorter than the original .brotli and doesn't need to be spelled-out, like the 'B-R' option.
"Go on then, enlighten us. What's coming?"
I'll tell you what I see coming within the next decade or so, based on my own experiences, those of people I've spoken to, and the general trend of legislation and social policy:
A ban on men sitting next to children on airline flights because all men are potential paedophiles. Oh, wait, that's already happened.
A ban on men using cameras in public places because all men are perverts trying take pictures of kids or up women's dresses or of cleavage.
A curfew for men so that women can feel safe walking around by themselves at night because all men are rapists.
A ban on men entering childcare or early-learning professions because, you know, all men are paedophiles.
No-go zones for men near schools and some shopping centres so that women can take their kids to / collect them from school and go shopping without having to worry about men perving on them.
Prohibitions on men entering STEM fields at universities to force-level the gender disparity in those professions.
Companies forced by law to ensure their workplaces are minimum 50% female (more is even better) and that all women must be paid 30% gender loading on top of their salaries to address the "gender pay gap".
Automatic guilt on any and all accusations against men of domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape, without trial, to spare the "victim" the trauma of testifying.
Don't think any of this will happen? I've got AUD1000 cash on the barrelhead thats says most, if not all, of these will be in place in at least some areas in Western nations within the next 15 years. Within the next 5 if Hilary Clinton gets elected President of the USA.
I appreciate that you were willing to put all of your paranoid delusions out front and center, so that everyone can see just how insane your persecution complex is. That's a rare and admirable quality in a commenter today, so many people just want to troll without heartfelt convictions.
Ah, yes, the usual boring descent into the familiar ad hominem stereotyping hypocrisy of the modern progressive-liberal. Disagree with someone who doesn't support your agenda? Just abuse the fuck out of them, that'll do the trick. Amazing cerebration you have there.
Frankly I'm amazed you didn't manage to work the words "neckbeard", "autistic", "virgin", "mansplaining", or "manchild" into your diatribe. I can appreciate why you didn't resort to "misogynist", "sexist", "redneck" or "bigot" though. I mean, those ones have really been thrashed to death now haven't they?
But anyway, thank you for demonstrating to us all the blind reflexive abusiveness that characterises the modern progressive mentality.
So answer me how come so many commenters agree with his predictions?
Might it be because they have already become true and some have experienced them first hand?
Might it be that your comments only serve to reinforce that he's right?
Seeing as how you are hardly qualified to determine what are or are not "paranoid delusions", I would suggest you keep your "diagnoses" to yourself.
Well... I've been reversed-discriminated against since the late 60's.. I'm white.. that's against me. I'm a Vietnam Vet... for a long time, that was against me. Sometimes on El Reg... I find being American is held against me. I'm male... there's enough anti-male going around that I know the signs. I even see it where I work on promotion and hiring preferences. It's not a thing spoken out loud, but it's there.
So, I think what he says is true.
>Automatic guilt on any and all accusations against men of domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape, without trial, to spare the "victim" the trauma of testifying.
Automatic guilt on any and all accusations against men of domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape (including any type of sexual intercourse with consent at the time, with change of mind days after the act) without trial, to spare the "victim" the trauma of testifying.
Fixed that and, already happened.
You are at least somewhat correct in your observations. Since the childcare and early learning markets are served by women, they make ALL the rules and they have effectively banned men from those fields. I have seen female only gyms that echo your paragraph 6, the remaining paragraphs have either happened or are mostly in place.
Reverse discrimination is MOST DEFINITELY in place and has been for some time. Both at the workplace and in the Colleges and Universities for sure.
The "automatic guilt" is already in place in any case in New York state that involves a minor girl and an "adult male" even if she actually initiated the sexual relationship, and said so in court and there is only 4 years difference in age. That's your "zero tolerance" in action.
A "men only" gym (or men only anything) would be the target of a lawsuit by the feminazis in a heartbeat and you know that.
And last, I agree that if Hillary gets elected, it will be time to colonize Mars. Or for Texas and most of the Western States to secede from the Union.
>>"The "automatic guilt" is already in place in any case in New York state that involves a minor girl and an "adult male" even if she actually initiated the sexual relationship, and said so in court and there is only 4 years difference in age. That's your "zero tolerance" in action."
What are you saying here? That if someone is accused of sex with a minor they are automatically found guilty without trial? Because that is what is meant by "automatic guilt". And if this is the case, I'm going to have to see a citation that trials are suspended in New York State. Or is your argument that feminism has led to adults having sex with minors being a crime? I didn't realize you had to be part of the Feminist New World Order to believe that.
As to a "men only gym" being shut down by lawsuits, any evidence of that? Or indeed evidence that there is demand for a men only gym in the first place? I think you get a few men only saunas - they're gay hangouts and I've never heard of women suing to shut those down because they're not allowed in. You're contriving examples. On the other hand, you do occasionally get women-only gyms. Or more normally you very occasionally get a women only time in a gym or swimming bath, tends to be a small period of time, because there's actual demand for that and usually because it's the only time some Islamic women can actually use the facilities. Now I don't like Islam much, but I'm not against women in Bradford being able to enjoy swimming or using a treadmill for a couple of hours a week.
I honestly do not know what the world must look like from inside your head with the way you see feminism as such an extraordinary threat to you.
Yes that's exactly what I meant.
Due to "feelgood" legislation perpetrated in the name of "protecting" women, the ability of a judge to determine the sentence in these circumstances has been taken away from him in New York State.
They call these "zero tolerance" laws. You should read more about the disasters your kind have wrought.
These so called "trials" never go to a jury because they deliberately make that way too expensive and dangerous for the defendant.
The defendant has to "plead guilty" to a slightly lesser "crime" that he did not commit to spare the "victim" the trauma of a trial.
Otherwise they throw the book at the male defendant and make them defend against full blown rape charges.
In any case that person is stigmatized for life and put on the sex offender registry even if the "victim" later recants their story (which happened and was disallowed by the court)
The person never gets a true jury trial, therefore the system finds them "automatically guilty" and there is no defense that can be offered because they will not EVER consider it because they "plead guilty".
The fact is that I actually know this person and the tribulations he had to go through and that he lost his job and his reputation because of these incredibly unconstitutional laws and decisions.
Or how about the false child abuse charges placed against the father in another case where a vicious divorce was taking place where he ALSO was charged and put on the RSO list. His children were NOT ALLOWED TO TESTIFY in his defense.
The fact is that feminism is a leftist farce perpetrated upon men for the sole reason of revenge against men for the perceived wrongs that exist only in the minds of feminazi "wymyn". Really, if you want to come out it's okay these days, you even get comfortable shoes.
I'm old enough to see through this feminist bullsh@t because I think with my big head instead of the little one now that I'm 60 and not a raging sea of hormones. Also I saw it first hand in the 60's and 70's. It was wrong then and it's wrong now.
Stop blaming men for all your own personal shortcomings. If you don't like men, then stop trying to hurt them and ruin their lives. Find something else to complain about.
The only time I get PO'd at or think less of women is when they play the gender card, expecting men to fawn over them in order to get an unfair advantage.
You wanted equality baby, suck it up you can have all the equality you want, you just have to live with the consequences. No one owes you a damn thing now. You made your own bed and woke up with fleas. I don't care if you don't like it, TFB. You deserve to be treated the same way a man is.
If you had bothered to read my comment before your hindbrain reaction to my "male oriented" statement kicked in, you would have seen that the statement about a lawsuit was hypothetical. Here it is again.
"A "men only" gym (or men only anything) would be the target of a lawsuit by the feminazis in a heartbeat and you know that."
The operative word is "would".
No, but female only gyms are okay. Just another indication that if it's female oriented, men can't have an opposite BUT EQUAL anything.
That's called REVERSE DISCRIMINATION, in all caps because you still don't grasp the concept!
>>"Due to "feelgood" legislation perpetrated in the name of "protecting" women, the ability of a judge to determine the sentence in these circumstances has been taken away from him in New York State."
You are confused mandatory sentencing guidelines are not the same thing as "automatically guilty". There are mandatory sentencing guidelines for murder as well but that doesn't mean that someone accused of it doesn't get a trial. Also, there's more to your post which goes on to condemn the idea that adults having sex with minors is wrong and blames feminism for the fact that the law is written that way. If you think that then you have a pretty low view of males as well as women.
Your rant about plea-bargaining and sex-offenders registers is not germane to anything I have said. It's really just attempting to shift ground into other areas easier to contest. Me: "laws against adults having sex with minors is not some feminist evil". You: "Get put on sex offenders register and your life is ruined". Me: "Huh?"
>>"The fact is that feminism is a leftist farce perpetrated upon men for the sole reason of revenge against men for the perceived wrongs that exist only in the minds of feminazi "wymyn".
Feminism is about equal rights and treatment in society for women. The above is paranoid delusion. Wanting, for example, to be treated the same in job interviews is not motivated by a need for revenge against men.
>>"Stop blaming men for all your own personal shortcomings. If you don't like men, then stop trying to hurt them and ruin their lives. Find something else to complain about."
The usual nonsense about feminists hating men or feminism being compensating for shortcomings.
>>"The only time I get PO'd at or think less of women is when they play the gender card, expecting men to fawn over them in order to get an unfair advantage."
Well this is demonstrably not true from your posts alone. You sound desperately bitter, to be honest.
>>"You wanted equality baby, suck it up you can have all the equality you want, you just have to live with the consequences. No one owes you a damn thing now. You made your own bed and woke up with fleas. I don't care if you don't like it, TFB. You deserve to be treated the same way a man is"
And yet all too often, we're not. Are you saying there is no sexism in the world? If so, you're delusional (you may be anyway). If not, then why are you spewing all this bile at people who oppose sexism?
>>"If you had bothered to read my comment before your hindbrain reaction to my "male oriented" statement kicked in, you would have seen that the statement about a lawsuit was hypothetical. Here it is again."
It is hypothetical because there is little to no demand for a male-only gym, which is what I wrote. You can't rant about how feminists are stopping you from having a male-only gym if that has never been the case. And if there were such a case, why would that make sexism against women okay?
>>"That's called REVERSE DISCRIMINATION, in all caps because you still don't grasp the concept!"
Discrimination is not Momentum. You can't add two opposite vectors and say there is no discrimination any more. Your issue is that you see this as two sides battling: Men vs. Women. Plenty of men are feminists. Most I would say, in the modern Western world given that feminism is essentially a belief that women should have equal opportunities to men. The real sides are Sexists (against men and women) vs. Non-Sexists. You are currently strongly in the former camp and I believe increasingly marginalized.
No, H4rm0ny I know the "Difference" but you seemingly cannot grasp it. The sentencing guidelines are EFFECTIVELY the same thing as being "automatically guilty" because they disallow any reasonable defense by an average person in these cases without suffering a plea bargain to a guilty verdict (it's all the court will offer) and consequences that don't fit the "crime".
You would need the best lawyers in the whole country to provide an adequate defense, hardly within the income level or the luck of your average person. I think anything that prevents a trial by jury of your peers, is unconstitutional and should not be allowed in a court of law.
I don't see any battle between men and women any longer, you already HAVE equality (legally sanctioned reverse discrimination). You bring up "sexism" because YOU are sexist.
You don't like it when men feel they no longer have kiss your behind and speak their own mind. Your idea of equal is not mine. You think you should be MORE equal to compensate for all the "wrongs" we men have perpetrated upon women. I don't.
I believe in blind justice and hiring and compensation for employees based on a meritocracy, not a quota system based on gender. Albeit, the world outside of western civilization often makes a point of treating women very inequitably. But I am not responsible for the actions of anyone other than myself and should not be held accountable for the sins of all men by the likes of you and yours. You can't see that as you made up your mind all men are scum long ago and blame us for all your woes.
Real equality when you can be treated just the same as any man is treated everyday. Why should I be any more nice to you than I am to any male? Truth be told, I don't have to. You and many others don't deserve it, both male and female. I'm an equal opportunity curmudgeon. You wouldn't even try to give a man an even chance. As far as I can see, you are just another self entitled, narcissistic, man hating, feminazi. I know your responses before you say them.
I've had your type of hardcore feminist BS rammed down my throat along with a whole host of idiotic leftist agenda for 44 years. Now I don't have to give a damn anymore and I will tell it like it is.
Too bad you failed reading comprehension but honestly I have never met a leftist that could comprehend any conversation that didn't agree with their scripted party line. In almost every case you have twisted my words or paraphrased them to try to make your point. You have continually called me "delusional" when you don't like what I have to say. That's the standard liberal attack so you can minimize the impact of my comments. You still don't get it do you? You and your kind have no power over me and never will. I don't collect "Likes".
Several compression algorithms were named after a Swiss bakery product, brötli. In German 'bread' is 'brot', the 'li' suffix is (IIRC) a diminutive, ie something small, buns are small bits of bread. Even more idiotic in a multi language world.
So the name has got nothing to do with gender -- this is just another feminist stupidity.
@alain williams
"Several compression algorithms were named after a Swiss bakery product, brötli. In German 'bread' is 'brot', the 'li' suffix is (IIRC) a diminutive, ie something small, buns are small bits of bread. Even more idiotic in a multi language world."
Speaking of the joys of a multi-lingual world, I was cycling in Denmark one day and passed a sign placed on the side of a shed by a Danish energy company. The energy company had decided, in its infinite wisdom, to call itself "Dong Energy".
"Bro" should be recognised as a gendered term of abuse and is not appropriate for a file extension, like the N-word. But asking a feminist, as the guy on the Mozilla forum did, if Bro was allowed, is like asking the KKK if the N-word is suitable as a product name. They should have asked a men's rights group instead. We can use Bro between Bros, but feminists should refrain from using it.
Tech does indeed have a sexism problem, and it will remain until the feminists leave us alone.
Use greek letters and dingbats. Or even all these emoji that are cluttering up unicode these days!
Seriously people! Isn't assuming the only thing .bro could imply is the 'Bro' culture the true horribly sexist attitude? I would use .bro and not .br on principle against that alone.
The last time I encountered this level of explicitly-willfull-stupidity in the human race it was taking witchcraft testimony from a horse. And I am pretty sure the people making the PC fuss are exactly the types who would have kept themselves occupied in centuries past having women they didn't like the look or sound of burned alive 'for their own good'! These NUSes* are not interested in bettering the human condition and are a major part of what is holding it back.
*Nus, noun - from a Sherry S. Tepper novel - Acronym: 'No Useful Skills'. Used to describe people with that attribute.
I thought Brotli was mainly about improving compression over the network? Sure, as an alternative to deflate you can use it for files but why bother? There are other formats that crunch better (xz springs to mind) at the expense of being slower. For video all the magic is in the codec which notoriously doesn't compress much further.
As for the sexist bollocks - just seems like clickbait and most people seem to have swallowed it.
...which is rather close to the Norwegian word "bråk" which means "noise" (the type of noise that occurs when there is a kerfuffle outside your appartment block at night) or "problem" as in cause problems for others (å lage bråk)...
So in this context, "brak" is entirely appropriate as a file extension to replace .bro
Wow, much with the men's rights whining? Tech already has a terrible image as a field toxic to women, this is a very minor dick move in that direction, it's better fixed than not and easy to do so, case closed.
But no, whaaaaaa, sometimes people don't like things I like! The nasty ladyfolk are making me feeeeel baaaaad! I might have to make slight concessions to politeness! Woe! Woe!
This post has been deleted by its author
> Tech already has a terrible image as a field toxic to women, ...
Not where I live (Krautistan). The fact the women are underrepresented in tech does not necessarily imply "toxic to women". I have yet to find a single tech-person who'd object to have a percentage of women in their field that's closer to 50 per cent than the (in some cases) just 5 per cent.
Personally I do think both, all-women and all-men clubs undesirable. Have seen both, and both tend to be horrible (though the details/workings of "horrible" tend to be quite different).
Reminds me of the story of a report produced by an IT dept at a council being taken to task for being racist. Their crime was to allude to the time of black slavery and how it may be offensive, by refering to a 'master slave disk configuration'
I just about care enough to post that I don't really care.
It's all stupid. It's like people getting angry about the winner of great British bake off or other such game shows. I don't understand why any one cares and no doubt I wouldn't like those that did care, so care even less. While I can conceptualise the reason, I find it hard to realise a mind quite so miserably uninteresting that it would care. That would go for both .bro or that it changed to .br or that someone one a game show.
Surely there are more interesting things for us all to be interested in.
" You attribute objection to sexism to "fat humorless women" because apparently objection to sexism comes from not being successful as a sex object..."
He was not objecting to people objecting to sexism. He was objecting to people that will take up any cause, real or imagined, and then rail on about it. (Admittedly in a rather sexist manner... I wouldn't say "fat humorless women", since I've seen thin humorless men do this too.) In some cases there's clear evidence that what they are on about is true, in other cases you'll hear them describe the problem, and it doesn't even resemble what you'd hear from virtually anyone else. People in the computing industry object to this description of it being so sexist because generally it's not.
I've never heard the term "brogrammer", but in the US "Bros" (when it doesn't mean "brothers") does mean guys hanging around doing guy stuff. I don't think ".bro" should offend anyone, but if someone does object, what the hell, calling it .br instead makes no difference to me.