Double standards?
Happy for these girls to take part in exploitational, outdated pageants but against them showing off their wares elsewhere? Hypocrisy gone nuts.
The reign of this year's Miss Brittany, Eugénie Journée, was only marginally longer than that of Prince Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême, after the 23-year-old was stripped of her title as a result of posting rule-busting "nude" photos of herself on Facebook. Ms Journée, a law student at the University of Rennes, was crowned …
I'm not sure to be honest. I mean; surely those girls would have been told what they can and cannot do when entering such a competition. You may not like the rules, and I have admit that it seems a bit exaggerated, but fact of the matter is that the participants knew what they got themselves into up front.
So if you then participate, win and break the rules you agreed on then I can understand that the organization takes action, even if it might not be a popular decision.
Which is the only part I'm a bit confused about: whether she posted those pictures before or after winning. If it was before then the judges have done a horribly lousy job and are taking it out on the wrong person, but if it was the other way around...
"....surely those girls would have been told what they can and cannot do when entering such a competition...." OK, develop that thought for a moment - she must have known the rules but still posed semi-naked - why? The likely answer - had you even heard there was a Miss Brittany, let alone heard her name or seen her image, before this article or any of the other press on the matter? I would say it has probably forwarded her career quite substantially.
Now here is a perfect target for the "outrage" of the feminists except.... they will never do anything about the way this was handled.
If women can pose topless in Times Square in NYC and considerable nudity is on every other show, commercial and advertisement across Europe; don't you think that it's about time that disqualifying beauty pageant contestants for having published "nude" pics is rather disingenuous?
You mean the reports that women like men that are contently chubby rather than sted heads who only love protein? Unless there was another similar recent report I missed?
"You mean the reports that women like men that are contently chubby rather than sted heads who only love protein?"
that report was as believable as the one that beardies are more attractive to women.......
next we'll get a report that women are attracted to real ale drinkers with beer guts
In ye olden days breasts like that were called "bee-stings", nowadays in Brittany more likely "Asian Hornet stings" although this would possibly be fatal. Disclaimer: I think that she is attractive regardless of breast size. This comment brought to you courtesy of a bottle of OVD rum given to me the other day. I know it's early but it's been grey, rainy and gale force winds all day. Need more alcohol related icons :)
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"....US fundamentalists...." Of course, Arnaut's one-track mind is overloaded at the task of having to provide any sort of insight into anything that doesn't play to his childish anti-Yank sentiments. From his uneducated viewpoint only "Merkins" could possibly be unsupportive of women's rights. Of course, that's because he is too thick to know anything about European history. As an example, he doesn't know that the contraceptive pill was first developed and licensed in the US-of-A in the Sixties, that being the single scientific development that had the greatest benefit to women (as stated by countless feminists). Of course, many European countries banned the import of the pill for years due to Catholicism, treating those that brought it into their countries as harshly as heroin smugglers. More homework for Clueless!
Matt, she's french, in France crowned miss Brittany. This is the same France that it was culturally ok to give 50 shades of Grey a 12 rating while the rest of the world went into hysteria overdrive and made it a 18 rating or higher.
I can't come up with any reasoning for this to happen apart from the American organizers imposing prudish values on the compettition, without needing to even hint at desending into anti american bashery.
"....50 shades of Grey...." You obviously missed that the film was produced and distributed by Universal, an American company.
"....I can't come up with any reasoning for this to happen apart from the American organizers imposing prudish values on the compettition...." Really? That is solely due to a lack of actual intelligent thought on your part. For instance, please do explain how the Yanks had any control over the British Board of Film Classifications that set the British release's rating, or over any of the other European film rating agencies?
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Funny thing Arnaut, all lawyers and so called "journalists" are considered lower than used car salesmen on the integrity and honesty scale, no matter which country they are from.
The least popular category is "politician" a word that has literally become synonymous with liar.
Her right nipple, and its associated aureola, are visible, if dimly-lit and at low contrast, in the photograph, and so it isn't simple the very idea of not being fully-clothed that is present. Thus, it's hard to argue that they aren't enforcing their rules in a fair manner, even if it must seem odd in Europe, where it is often entirely acceptable for women not to cover their tops at the beach.
" and its associated aureola,"
Back in the day I actually got mentioned in NFN for pointing out just this error in a linked piece. Briefly, even among the most elevated female celebrities, nipples do not usually have haloes, though they may have areolas.
My test of these pictures is "would I be upset if it was my daughter in that photo?" The short answer in this case is that I wouldn't be in the slightest, while if she went in for the beauty contest I'd disown her and leave all my money to fund legal attempts to get chimpanzees classed as human, probably by Mrs. Clooney.
"Her right nipple, and its associated aureola, are visible,"
Eurrrghh! I've just had a trouser crisis. I was visiting this esteemed website for its serious technical discourse and I was met by pornography of the most lascivious kind.
I leave you now to go and clean myself up.
For the same reason that political-correctness crusaders get into positions of power.
People who are convinced they know best what's good for everyone else and how everyone should live, are the ones who pursue power in order to be able to realise their vision of shoving their political agendas down everyone else's throats. They push their causes, gather vocal followers, and get themselves elected (or promoted in the private sector) to positions where they can dictate their morals to all from their high horses.
This is exactly why Douglas Adams rightly pointed out that anyone capable of getting themselves elected President of the Galaxy should on no account be allowed to do the job.
The only tits I see are the leadership of the Miss France organization.
It's the act of stripping for the camera that's banned.
How do they know she stripped for the camera? Perhaps that's her normal daily attire or she was getting ready to go to the beach or perhaps she was totally naked and donned jeans for the photo thus doing the opposite of stripping for the camera. I could go on ad nauseam but then I'd sound like a whiny French pageant official.
Society has a completely immature attitude to the human body (I won't even call it nudity).
The more we restrict being able to go natural, the more the pornographers and paedophiles own the body. Those who have a prudish attitude to the body are just encouraging these sick industries. It is natural to delight in the form of the body, but we replace that with disgust, repressing the delight and that turns to deviance.
Since when was the body unstylish, needing to be covered by board shorts, and when did it become pornographic.
We need to stop being so childish and be accepting. People might have nothing to show off, but nothing to be ashamed of either.
"Society has a completely immature attitude to the human body (I won't even call it nudity)."
It doesn't really. A section of it does to varying degrees. What you see in many places is that people who want to control other people have discovered that they can do so via politics or religion, and so they do. I suspect too that a lot of them are aware of their own desires, which they are controlling to a degree, and assume that everybody else who sees a nipple/mons/penis will immediately turn into a potential rapist. That perceptive chap Jesus turned it against them by telling a group of them that they wanted to stone the woman taken in adultery but had all wanted to do the same thing themselves. And these controlling people teach other people to share their hangups (including their children.)
If we didn't have these people, we probably wouldn't have a Miss World contest either.
If our society's mores changed, so that all the beaches were nude beaches, this would only address one of the symptoms, not the real problem. The real problem is our attitude towards sex, of which our attitude to nudity is a symptom.
And I don't really know if there is a 'cure' for that, because sex really is... problematic, if not 'dirty'. Sex produces children. And women do all the gestation and all the breastfeeding by themselves... as well as usually changing more than their share of the diapers, too.
Women, unlike the females of our mammalian ancestors, don't go into 'heat' on a regular basis. Women may enjoy sex, but unlike men, they don't seem to think they 'need' it, and so things have to be right first. Of course, in general, men are willing to make the effort to meet their demands... but there are enough disinterested women or unsuitable men that a lot of men are left over; and others just had to wait for a certain time of their lives.
And thus comes prurience, misogyny, and the rest of the mess. A 'cure' would seem to involve either gelding a lot of the men, or brainwashing women into being more generous with their favors than serves their interest: neither is acceptable to those of us who wish to respect the rights of both men and women.
I did notice that twitter accounts of the former Miss Brittany and the new Miss Brittany are both suspended. Possible that they were fake accounts, but I don't think that is the case. I wonder what is going on.
Beauty pageant are strange and have even stranger rules. John Oliver covered it here.