back to article Teenage backup biz Code42 gets cash bonanza

End-point backer-upper, file-sharer and security monitor Code42 has just raised a huge chunk of cash to grow its business into the big time. Code42 was founded back in the stone age, 2001, making the company a relatively aged 14. In 2013, it took in its first funding, a substantial $52m in A-round. This was 12 years after it …

  1. ckm5

    A bit of a worry

    As a long standing customer, this is a bit worrisome. Backup is still their primary business and they should focus on making that the best possible (cough, native Mac client, cough). Typically, de-focusing a business means a worse product - we'll see.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A bit of a worry

      Ultimately the ability to do all the clever analytics relies on having all the data in the first place (ie. the backup piece), so that's still going to have to be as rock solid as ever, if not more, so I don't think there's any concerns there.

    2. Infidellic_

      Re: A bit of a worry

      There are Mac clients ( but I guess it's Java based like the Linux PROe client? What's wrong with that?

  2. Fonant

    But they don't have the data, do they? Crashplan backups are encrypted client-side before being sent to Code42 servers.

    "Code42’s secure cloud deployments enable archive encryption key storage on-premises (i.e., private passwords are stored at the customer’s location), not in Code42’s data center. Privately held encryption keys render data completely useless in the event of a security breach during transmission or storage within Code42 data centers."

    Ah, they probably mean forensics as a service for each customer: providing analysis of the individual customer's backed-up data. So as a business you can back all your employee machines, and then analyse the data to spot malware infections, dodgy software installations, etc.

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