Nothing reassures a customer like an oblivious "Huh?"
“There is increasing recognition that how an organization responds to the compromise of customer data can impact its long-term prospects as deeply as the incident itself," he added.
While Hilton publicly acknowledged the recent C/C breach faster than last year's breach of the HHonors rewards system, in neither instance did they send out anything to inform employees that the incidents occurred or, more importantly, how we should respond to possible guest inquiries regarding them. Even something like "I have little information myself but Hilton has set up a toll-free number you can call to speak to someone regarding that" would, I think, be a no-brainer.
Instead, we, like everyone else, only learn about it from the newspapers and are given no guidance on handling a situation where we may be asked about it. Nothing reassures a customer like an oblivious "Huh?"