and another named Jaja, after the Abkhazian harvest goddess
That's a relief. Thought for a minute there someone had elevated an annoying Star Wars character to the status of 'agricultural diety'.
The not-quite-planet-but-jolly-big-for-an-asteroid Ceres continues to give up its secrets under the unwinking gaze of NASA's Dawn probecraft, now in orbit about the planetoid. New developments include the naming of various features on Ceres and the detection of a mysterious particle blast from the enigmatic dwarfworld. " …
That this is yet another NASA/Muslim conspiracy to make American's believe there are other "worlds" in the solar system aside from the only New World, America. In order to get more grant money for Climate Change research and to promote the soon to be announced movie: "The Cerian". I mean the proof is right there Ceres/Syria! I must inform my NRA government representative and my local AM talk show host immediately, through telepathy, as every other method is monitored by the MIB!
" I must inform my NRA government representative and my local AM talk show host immediately, through telepathy, as every other method is monitored by the MIB!"
Too late, that is considered electronic communication and is dutifully monitored by the NSA. After all, what about the telepathic terrorists?
We live in a false paradigm reality bounded by faux science, fake history, filtered news, financed by a fiat currency and directed by our ruling, evil, Demonic Warlords.
The rate of solar and cosmic ray particles vary, causing variable decay rates, a baseline determinate for 'climate' on Earth. These same processes are at work throughout the Universe, continuing until there is one, evenly distributed Hydrogen and Helium cloud billions of years in the future. In the meantime we are being herded like sheep in a matrix of elitist propaganda to avoid seeing their corrupt reality. End this feudal nightmare.
"Becoming A Total Earth Science Skeptic" at the Faux Science Slayer site, find and share Truth