Everyday low privacy
It's just as well the Government's "broadband" plan is so weak and slow, otherwise data would be lost at a great pace.
Clean up, aisle 5!
Kmart Australia has announced a successful breach of its Australian online store. Its breach notice says the compromised data includes customer name, “email address, delivery and billing address, telephone number and product purchase details”. So, although there's plenty of information for someone to take a decent shot at …
First up - disclosure - I work for a company owned by K Mart Australia's parent company. Hence the AC.
This is actually a pretty good announcement. They state what happened, and quickly, contacted the affected customers, made it clear that if you were not contacted, you were not affected, and clearly stated what did not go out and why. It is less good that they got hacked, but it is pretty much inevitable for any online system these days,
I'd say that you could pretty much hold this up as a textbook "how to announce a data leak" notice.
You have to give them points fro prompt disclosure as Australia still lacks mandatory disclosure laws to back the privacy act. Still doubtful that all is known early in the breach detection and if more was know The PR spin merchants now to release the bad bits later say over a long weekend or when Russia bombs the Syrian free army so its back page news. Lets hope free id theft insurance was offered as there would be enough info to get another credit card lost here.