back to article Big Blue welds bits of carbon for nanotube transistor

IBM has fetched out the hand-on-a-stick to give its back a pat over what it calls a “breakthrough” in carbon nanotube electronics: making a nano-scale contact whose resistance doesn't rise as its size is squeezed. As part of the world's long search for technologies that can stave off The End of Moore's LawTM, and carbon nano- …

  1. Chronos

    A new story at this time of night?

    Have you no Ω to go to?

    You started it :-P

    1. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: A new story at this time of night?

      Depends where you live. My Ω is in Australia, so it's lunchtime.

  2. Graham Marsden

    Ω, Ω on the range...

  3. Mark 85

    Ωy gosh!!!

  4. Captain DaFt

    Don't mind me...

    Ω just here for the puns. :)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Don't mind me...

      I come to work for a similar reason, but get met with a lot of resistance.

  5. Martin Budden Silver badge

    I look forward to running GNΩ on one of these new processors.

  6. Hardrada

    "The contact was created by 'the reaction of molybdenum with the SWNT to form carbide', in what the company says is a process 'akin to microscopic welding'."

    That sounds more like brazing or soldering.

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