Da phuq?
How about microsoft applications like sql server sitting in the middle of the stack? My sales guy keeps going to VSAN and our tech nerds keep going to ScaleIO. I am keep going to loo to cry about all the confusion.
EMC introduced its scale-out ScaleIO Node virtual SAN a couple of weeks ago, with hybrid flash-disk and all-flash server chassises. It overlaps as a product with EMC-owned VMware's VSAN, and therefore EMC's EVO:RAIL implementation of that, and also competes with scale-out all-flash arrays. Discussions with sources have …
3 Node VSAN clusters, while supported do not have any resilience for node maintenance. How are you going to patch your 3 node vSphere cluster running VSAN when you cannot put on into maintainence mode. Also 2 node will only support branch offices and needs an external (vCloud Air) failover manager, no thanks.