back to article iPhone 6S, 6S Plus: Apple SHAFTS eager fans with STRAPPING VIBRATOR

Apple's iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, lovingly crafted by Cupertino's chief designer Sir Jony Ive, have landed – and with them the first teardowns shedding light on what's packed under the hood. Dissections of both the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus have confirmed earlier speculation that Apple has indeed traded a smaller battery for more …

  1. JeffyPoooh


    Just kidding.

    The unanswered question(s): Will it b(l)end?

    1. Adam JC

      Re: SHEEPLE!!!

      I misread that as 'Bellend' then, or maybe I didn't... bahah

    2. Fibbles

      Re: SHEEPLE!!!

      For a moment there I thought Matt B had returned.

    3. joed

      Re: SHEEPLE!!!

      the bending question has already been answered somewhere I can't recall - it'll bend less.

      Nice to see it more accessible, 7/10 can't be bad.

  2. Captain DaFt

    Well that's just grand!

    So 6S is faster and more efficient, which enabled them to reduce the battery and still claim battery life is no worse than the old phone?

    And "no worse" is a feature they point out?

    Geez guys, couldn't you at least left the battery the same size and made longer battery life a selling point?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well that's just grand!

      Apple is rolling out new hardware features (FTA) and that takes volume. If the battery doesn't shrink, the case has to be expanded.

      However, I believe that option has been declared anathema in the Book of Jobs...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well that's just grand!

      I had a quiet week, which meant my iPhone 6 was just picking up email and staying online while travelling around. The battery lasted more than 48h - it was still at 29% when I plugged it in around the 50h mark, and that was with LTE enabled (I found, when abroad, that it greatly helps to limit connectivity to 3G, which is enough for me anyway).

    3. Captain Queeg

      Re: Well that's just grand!

      The problem I think all manufacturers face - particularly at the power guzzling end of the market is that a few extra hours probably makes things worse.

      Let's assume a handset (whatever it is) has enough grunt with normal use to get through the day to bedtime with 20-25% remaining - which seems to be the norm in the case of high end models). Does adding an extra 4 hours battery life add anything? No, not really because in the real world charging regimes are (I imagine) more or less tied to life patterns. I'm sure plenty here will say "not me" but in aggregate it feels right - put on charge, climb into bed.

      So what we see is "Make it last just long enough with a bit of spare", which I imagine is the reason Apple have cut the size of the battery. Because adding the few hours that other efficiencies might bring doesn't actually improve the UX hugely.

      Now offer me an extra *comfortable* 24 hours and i'm interested. But an extra 24 hours is much harder to achieve at marketable weights. Very desirable - but much harder. Hopefully it will come, but the steps seem to be to me:

      18 hours (1 day's use)

      42 hours (2)

      66 hours (3)

      and so on. Moving up that scale is an interesting challenge. How will it play out I wonder? Smaller and smaller batteries over time? Then a huge leap in say 5 yrs?

      1. Arctic fox
        Thumb Up

        @Captain Queeg Re:" Does adding an extra 4 hours battery life add anything?"

        Very good point. The increase in battery life has to be on a scale (if one is going to make a marketing point of it) that it is actually noticed by the punter and perceived of as a genuine and useful increase. Otherwise the company concerned may risk a backlash from their customer base if the increase is in practice invisible to said customers. The practical reality is I suspect that there has to be something of a significant leap forward (as you outline) before the marketing department can start mouthing off raising the profile of the given device's battery life when designing their advertising campaign.

      2. Richard Boyce

        Re: Well that's just grand!

        Assuming 20% remaining after a day's use when new, how long before degradation of the battery reduces that margin to 0%? How much does dissatisfaction with deterioating battery life reduce the average time between phone replacements?

        Genuine questions, as I've never been a heavy user of smartphones, and never owned a high-end model like an iPhone.

        1. Shane Sturrock

          Re: Well that's just grand!

          My 6 Plus uses about 20% battery a day and can go a full work week without a recharge. Sure, my old 4 would be lucky to have 20% left at the end of the day but the 6 Plus has excellent battery life and if the 6S can do the same with less then all the better.

          Personally, I'm not going to upgrade because the 6S isn't much different from my current phone and worse, the price went up by $350 here not that I replace my phone each year anyway - I buy outright and run for four years.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Well that's just grand!

        The problem I think all manufacturers face - particularly at the power guzzling end of the market is that a few extra hours probably makes things worse.

        I would agree with you insofar that it will not help one jot with average use, but it's exactly the "average" that is the problem. As I posted above, I had a couple of quiet days and I easily got through two full days with one charge with an iPhone6 that is about 6 months old, so it's a battery that has seen some use. I have since observed the same with an iPad 3, so as far as I can tell, something has indeed changed with iOS 9.

        The big "however" comes when that day is *not* quiet. If I spend the whole day on calls I rarely get to the end of the day with one charge - going on air full time simply costs energy and I don't think much has changed to that power demand, them Watts are still needed to get it to a cell tower.

        I personally think that the midway point the manufacturers have chosen needs to be shifted so it add one or two hours. I don't consider myself an average user, but given that battery life is an oft quoted issue it suggests the use case considered "average" is not.

  3. Andy Tunnah

    I can already picture the iDiot headlines

    "Apple does the impossible, by slimming down the battery yet giving us the SAME battery life! How do they do it?!"

    1. RobThBay

      Re: I can already picture the iDiot headlines

      Maybe they're using TARDIS technology :) The battery is bigger on the inside than the outside.

  4. Velv

    "lovingly crafted by Apple's chief designer Sir Jony Ive"

    While I'm not trying to suggest Jony hasn't directed the creation of some magnificent products, I think you'll find its hundreds of unnamed minions who've "lovingly crafted" the Apple products.

    The image of some old school British inventor with the rolled up sleeves, peaked eye-shade and magnifying lamp sitting in a dingy basement with just some tiny tools and a steaming cup of tea - nah!

    1. Frank Bough


      I think you'll find machines do most of the work

  5. Velv

    Manufacturers claims about economy and performance...


    Have you been watching the news this week?

  6. Adam JC

    2GB... Erm....?

    I can't get my head around the fact that Apple only bother to install 2GB of RAM in their 'flagship' handsets, I thought 3GB was almost industry-accepted as the norm now for high-end handsets, but Apple are still only popping 2GB in?

    I'm also looking at the specs side-by-side for the 6 Plus and the 6S Plus and failing massively to see any improvement other than the new A9 chip and a slightly better selfie cam, then again this is the 'S' so it's less of an upgrade than an entirely new model.

    1. Gordon 10 Silver badge

      Re: 2GB... Erm....?

      Err did it occur to you that the memory usage profiles might differ between OSes. Both iOS and Winmob have reputations for being more memory efficient than Android. The additional memory is probably in part due to the newer multitasking functionality.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 2GB... Erm....?

        Both iOS and Winmob have reputations for being more memory efficient than Android

        iOS I knew to be quite efficient, but Winmob as well? What happened? Did Microsoft outsource the development of that code? They have not been able to write efficient code for, well, for as long as they have been writing code.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: 2GB... Erm....?

          I suggest you spend £140 on a Lumia 640 then, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

        2. Hellcat

          Re: 2GB... Erm....?

          Jokes aside about Microsoft and their bloatware, their phone OS seems to respond just as smooth (and that actually means nice, not crappy!) on their low end phones as their flagships. My 1020 has 2GB ram, which was pretty much standard flagship ram 2 years ago when they came out. This one only had more than required for the OS to deal with the fallout when you press the shutter button.

          1. cambsukguy

            Re: 2GB... Erm....?

            ISTR that 1 GB of that RAM is solely allocated to the camera for dealing with the huge image files it needs to work with.

            I had a 920 and now a 1020 - they both work well with the 1GB I think they both use, they are almost the same is other respects.

            Still, if the 950 is small enough with the bigger screen (and has wireless charging natch), then a replacement is probable in the next six months or so - I so badly wish they could accommodate the same or similar camera though, I will just hope the extra speed and facilities make up for the lost resolution.

            The new phones have 2GB I think but they will run Win10 with continuum etc. so it is a different ball game from here on in.

    2. Bronek Kozicki

      Re: 2GB... Erm....?

      I never looked at it closely, but iPhone apps are compiled from Objective-C to machine code. Whereas Android apps are mostly (with the exception of some parts from Google or hardware vendors) bytecode run by Dalvik, which is JVM and also runs garbage collection etc. , in other words they are less memory efficient. So, if you took one app and compiled it in Xamarin to iPhone and Android, the resulting binary would have most likely smaller memory footprint on iPhone, than on Android (when actually running). Which means that iPhone does not need as much memory to run apps fluidly, as Android does. It also does not provide the same level of isolation, but that's different matter.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 2GB... Erm....?

      fail to see the improvement

      The new USP is that the new Rose-Gold is SHINY, precious

      (and as a result it seems that I have to buy one for SWMBO for xmas)

  7. Syntax Error

    What an unintelligent headline from an IT journalist. Does the Register really think all its readers are male and have only just reached puberty?

    1. imanidiot Silver badge

      You must be new here...

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Repair Score

    The higher than expected repairability score for these new phones is most likely the need for Apple store "Geniusesses" to be able to swap in a replacement screen as quickly as possible, I think you can get a new Apple screen fitted instore on your iPhone 6 for around £95, not cheap, but it will keep the warranty on your phone and the repair should take a maximum of 30 minutes.

    Of course if Apple could actually create a phone that did not crack the screen when dropped that would be nice, but it has to be thin and svelte, got to keep up that design aesthetic and the markup on the repairs is also a nice little bonus for the stores.

    1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

      Re: Repair Score

      Are we sure that Apple didn't just "VW" iFixit knowing the comments and scores that they usually get, and sent them one without the glue inside?

      1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge
        Big Brother

        Re: Repair Score

        They put cheats into their software that detects it's being repaired or used normally and reduces the amount of glue accordingly.

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