"Data Centre -> HPC
More email misery and pillory for Hillary as FBI starts quizzery"
Why on Earth is this marked HPC? El Reg uses that term more widely than most, but surely this is pushing it!
The FBI has managed to recover "deleted" emails from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private server, which she used for official business while presiding over the State Department. Bloomberg has reported that a person "familiar with the investigation" has said the Feds have recovered "personal and work-related emails …
It was supposed to be HRC not HPC.
You could say it was a typo, but realistically the leg on the letter R rusted off because Hillary is such a toxic person....
HRC == Hillary Rodham Clinton
The black ops helicopter because HRC's minions are pure evil and will do everything to discredit or destroy anyone perceived to be an enemy of the Clintons.
(And even some of their friends too)
Nice leader tag there. No, if we're going full-page here, cast your eyes upon a certain White House. It's pretty amazing that by coincidence a certain potential Presidential candidate (Gen. Petreus) was brought low via examination of an email account which led to the revelation of other unlawful behavior (adultery is still a Courts Martial offense even ignoring the Secrecy violations) and got a slap on the wrist after being pillioried.
Round 2:Hillory has stated before that she ran the server by the Whitehouse. The Whitehouse is totally silent about this, neither confirming nor denying. [I've had to use that a lot in my life vis-a-vis government work when the answer was yes.] I don't know anything but this has been a sleazily run investigation, involving the FBI and their OPR whose sorting what's to go to the investigators. And the usual form in 99.9...% of investigations the first anyone knows anything concrete is when the indictment is unsealed.
I ain't Hillary Clinton's type of supporter. There's a lot here that doesn't fit the profile that any half-way, somewhat above room temperature mentant would recognize as a Federal Investigation. [That it gives Red Meat to Red States is interesting as the Circuses aspect is a nice misiricord in the neck touch.] Now Chicago style Polyticks? Dead match.
The person I'll feel sorry for is Bernie. He's going to be led up to the top of a shining mountain and tossed over a cliff. He ain't my type either. None of them are. [Fancy a Revolution.?]
Hillary has stated before that she ran the server by the Whitehouse.
When I worked for a U.S. defense contractor I know a guy that got fired for leaving classified information on his desk when he took a trip to the rest room, in addition to being ineligible to get a clearance for the rest of his life for failing to protect classified information.
By any interpretation of the law Hillary is guilty of the same, making her ineligible for classified government work. However, as we all know the rich and powerful live by different rules than the peons.
What I don't understand is why Hillary thought she could get away with having her own email server in the first place. I'm not a fan, but I thought she was smarter than that. and I have to wonder about all the government employees - including POTUS - that didn't think twice about emailing classified information to a private email address - certainly those people are guilty of serious national security violations as well. Unless we are talking about a "Culture of Personal Privilege" where everyone really didn't think the rules applied to them.
I've been following this case rather closely as I recall all of the paperwork I had to submit and oaths I had to take, to protect sensitive information, back in the day. Given the details we have concerning the data that has been found and confirmed as classified (I'm really being generous here), any other individual, including a former joint chief, would be fired and prosecuted. If said individual was simply a mere mortal, there would be 10's if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, jail time and one would be prohibited from ever holding public office again.
Please let me preface this next statement with: I think all of the presidential candidates are idiots and I can't see a single redeeming quality in the whole lot, but Mrs. Clinton is by far the most loathsome. She's not only treated like a sacred cow by her party, but is advertised as one of the most intelligent women in the world. For someone who is as allegedly brilliant as she is AND a lawyer, one would think she might have known better?
As for the talk about revolution here in the US... Attempting to overthrow the government and replacing it with something other than the constitutional republic it is is illegal. I think the proper context of the term revolution would best be defined as reset.
This is HRC's own doing.
There are two well know laws... Official Records Act, which in 1996 under Bill Clinton as POTUS, emails were included in required documents that key senior officials must keep and turn over.
The other deals with mishandling classified information.
If you have a doc which may not be classified today, but could be classified tomorrow and you have to keep it... you'll be breaking one or both of the laws when said doc's material is determined to be classified.
Then you have communications which are classified at birth so you end up being screwed because you will have broken the law.
That's why there is no law prohibiting setting up your own server. You'd be prosecuted not for setting it up, but for using it.
As to picking a good candidate? Look at Kasich. He's a straight shooter and a stand up guy.
Not rillary, since they already stated they found numerous emails that had "top secret classified" headers stripped from them. The grillery hasn't even started yet. Just wait until someone finds final proof that she deliberately ignored calls for help from the American Embassy in Benghazi!
These ought to help you get a clue...besides what else she may have lied about. Keep laughing, the smirk on her face will be wiped off and she may need to steal someone elses smirk.
At the very least, she LIED to CONGRESS WHILE UNDER OATH during a congressional investigation! Look for her to get perp walked right off the debate stage.
As far as I am concerned Hillary Clinton is not an amusing character, she is a lying thief and suspected murderer. If that makes her more real then so be it.
This goes beyond Benghazi.
We already have 15 emails from her best buddy and confidant Seymore Butts (that would be Sekret Agent Sidney Blumenthal that was on the Clinton Foundation's payroll ), who under subpoena gave them to the US Government while HRC did not and testified that she gave them everything. So you already have some level of obstruction which can be punishable by prison time.
But the real kicker is that she mishandled classified files. Regardless of what her campaign says, some of these docs were 'classified at birth'.
Oh her goose is cooked.
When Joe Biden enters the race, you can bet HRC will be charged.
The only question is how far will this go?
The fall of the Clinton Foundation(s) on the one hand.
On the other... will VJ take the fall for Obama?
D-BAN would have worked nicely in this instance. Followed by a fresh install of 2 or 3 operating systems in multi boot configuration to thoroughly scramble any remaining traces. And then D_BAN a few more times for good measure.
That's government cheese for you though.
It would seem that Hillary's email server was a lot more secure than the standard government issue server given the latest news from the Office of Personnel Management. At least, as a private e-mail server that she paid for, she wasn't stuck the the mandatory budget cuts that the Republicans forced on Obama.
The stupidity of this is astounding - they claim that they want to get Government down to the size where they can drown it in the bathtub (Grover Norquist) and then they act all surprised when Hillary decides that she actually needs a mail server that works and decides to do it herself. So far, for all the whining and bitching - it seems that her mail server was not hacked to the degree that virtually every other part of the US Government has been. Budget Cuts - ya gotta love em.
This post has been deleted by its author
She served as Sec State from January 21, 2009 – February 1, 2013. The 111th Congress and Senate were composed of majority of Democrats. The 112th the Republicans only had a majority in the Congress, and a powerless majority it was. The Senate was majority Democrats. Who had the power of the purse strings?
That, and she had access to perfectly acceptable government run email servers for her whole tenure, and chose not to use them, budget cuts didn't have any impact on those, nor shutdowns. And, we don't have any idea how hacked her email server actually was, my guess, entirely hacked. Completely hacked. Powned by a dozen different agencies and governments. So powned, they had to call each other to schedule CPU and IO time to download the new mail.
" So powned, they had to call each other to schedule CPU and IO time to download the new mail."
It's "pwned" mate, if you are going to speak l33t! However I think you are absolutely spot on. It's hard enough keeping an email system running normally but one that is such a lovely target must have had quite a few *ahem* extra accounts on it.
Having said that, it's surprising how long some easily crackable systems survive for years without being done over and yet another box that has had some rudimentary IT love will have several extra volunteer admins within a few days.
My favourite example of an easy target lasting for far too long was one I had to diagnose doing a spam spew. I found an account called "mail" with a password of "mail" after a while (good old Wireshark). That account was created for "oh yeah - that was to get the MD sorted while abroad" (blah blah blah etc etc). It had been like that for months if not years.
Given OPM's less than stellar understanding and managing certain databases that contain sensitive information, they have absolutely no credibility in making statements like that. If you have or ever had a clearance your identity and names references are completely vulnerable. And sorry, as much as I'd like to blame the GOP for a lot of our country's woes I honestly can't as it would be completely misdirected. Every government agency, department, office and entity that handles any data that could be considered sensitive is required to comply with NIST SP 800. She clearly and consciously chose to ignore it.
Smaller government is never about spending less money. It's about outsourcing services to friendly corporations. Rarely does it cost less or improve quality. If anyone points that out, you change the metrics. And budget cuts aren't about saving money, it's about defunding programs that they don't agree with.
And this whole email thing is a tempest in a teapot. After the Whitewater investigation I would be really surprised if this one finds any skeletons.
"After the Whitewater investigation I would be really surprised if this one finds any skeletons."
That really depends on how "personal" the "personal" emails were that she deleted, and what they were able to recover. If classified email was recovered from the items deleted as "personal" (which she claimed to have a right to delete), then her presidential campaign is over.
Grabbing the popcorn...
"Smaller government is never about spending less money. It's about outsourcing services to friendly corporations."
Incorrect. You are describing what a statist thinks is smaller govt. Everone else knows that the govt's size is all about what it does for YOU. Specifically it's the (non-govt) services that govt largess provides (with confiscated money). It is THAT kind of "service" that small govt types would like to see less of, meaning "gone" not "outsourced."
Basically I don't buy your premise that the purpose of government is to take all your money and spend it on your behalf.
I fully expect an indictment when it is convenient for the Obama faction to destroy Hildabeast and the rest of the Clintonistas. Depending on how some of the primaries are shaping up it could occur shortly before Super Tuesday or if she is fading badly early summer or right after the elections look likely. It is not time yet for the axe to fall, but keeping it in the news has a very corrosive effect on her candidacy.
Why would they want to destroy her, when she's the best chance for a democrat to keep the White House? You don't really think that Obama supports Biden (assuming he even wants to run, the wishy washy statements where he's "weighing his options" are ridiculous since it isn't like the 2016 election came as a surprise to him)
Sanders could win the nomination, but not the election, he's too left wing to win a general election.
The two factions hate each other almost as much as they hate Republicans. Also, they do not trust each other. So the question for the Obama faction is if they are going to lose either to the Clintons, the Republicans, of both what would maintain their power post election in the Democratic Party. Given American election habits, a Republican victory is very likely and if Hildabeast is the Democratic nominee that means the Obama faction has less influence later on.
There a couple of dynamics. If the Democrats lose the White House, rather likely, then who controls the party - Obama or Clinton. Also, remember the "birther" rumors about Obama originated in 2008 with Hildabeast's campaign. There is no love between the two camps; only an uneasy truce.
Actually what the yank says is correct.
But there is more.... Joe actually is going to be portrayed as right of HRC so he's not going to fit the left leaning progressives. This would be a good thing because he will appeal more to the independents and the conservative democrats.
And Joe is also someone Obama believes that will continue his legacy. So he will get Obama's blessing.
The reason he hasn't entered the race is that they are trying to build the hype on one hand, while on the other look like the DNC party's savior.
Or something similar is the easiest way to probe what was sent or received by HRC. Email is a two way communication tool, right? I would guess she would correspond with .gov email addresses that would have some sort of e-discovery or a la NSA type of searchable database for government employees. Another way, just make it compulsory for any government employee to forward or give the FBI any correspondence via email that contains the private email address from HRC, if it is found that they didn't (like the FBI recovered one that was not provided by such gov employee) then he or she should be charged at least with obstruction. These people would not know what was recovered and would know if they got something from HRC... Therefore they would provide (hopefully) more emails than what was actually recovered...
I bet NSA has some copies of what was sent or received by that private email address.
Simple, really. If the server is her private property, then everything on it is also her property, even if it's spinning rust. Once out of office, she can hand it all to a ghost writer to pen her next book and earn a gazillion dollars. Plus, all of that privately held data is HERS and no one else can use it without paying a large fee.