More likely it gives UPS employees more time to shift through the packages and 'lose the packet en route' miraculously. It's a victimless crime apparently.
Pope Francis' first act in America: Halt iPhone 6S, 6S Plus deliveries
Is Pope Francis a secret Android fan? We only ask because the delivery of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus orders will be delayed in New York due to a visit by His Holiness. We're told UPS will stall deliveries in six Manhattan ZIP codes (10001, 10007, 10017, 10021, 10022, 10023, and 10029) while the Vicar of Christ is in town Thursday …
Friday 25th September 2015 02:38 GMT Fruit and Nutcase
Randy rabbits...
not quite...
While affirming the Catholic Church’s opposition to artificial contraception, he said parents should be responsible about how many children they had, implying that natural forms of contraception, such as avoiding sex during a woman’s most fertile period, should be used.
“Some people think – excuse the expression – that to be good Catholics we must be like rabbits. “No. We need responsible parenthood, this is clear,” he said, adding that he thought three was an ideal number of children.
Paris - now there's someone who knows a thing or two about going at it like rabbits
Wednesday 23rd September 2015 07:49 GMT Anonymous Coward
indigo plateaus
It is interesting, to me, that phone manufactures seem to be following the same path that the PC industry went down. That is to say, PCs have hit a certain plateau in their functionality to the end user. Phones are going to hit that same plateau eventually. Constantly updating the hardware to the 'latest and greatest' will eventually wear thin on most people because their phone functions as they require it to.
The phone I use, that I got for free long ago, still runs Froyo (the network not actually pushing updates is part of this, as the version is 2.2.1 and "check for updates" says that it is "up to date") but it functions as I need it to. Make calls, send texts, and the occasional limited web browsing, NetHack, and some Dink Smallwood are enough for me. I know that this isn't how everyone else on their phones will utilize them, but that extra expense to upgrade my phone is not a pressing, nor affordable, matter for me. I'd rather drop that money on a new GPU card or a set of monitors.
I may be comparing Apple(s) to oranges here because I use an Android phone, and a particularly ancient one at that, but I can't help but see the patterns and that eventually these trends of "phone upgrades" will hit the same wall that PCs have.
TL;DR: Your phone is probably fine, if you're considering it a phone. Wait a few more years, and get a discount new phone with all the bells and whistles that will be coming between now and the plateaus without paying the premium.
TooTLDR: Cult like cycles of consumerism
PS: The Register's demographics data can suck a fat one because I'm not a Business Consultant for an Aerospace with 200k employees. But I had to chose -something-