back to article Dislike: Facebook scammers latch onto anti-Like button calls

Survey scammers have already capitalised on Facebook's tentative plans to develop a "Dislike" button. Last week, Mark Zuckerberg conceded the obvious point that people didn't want to say they "liked" posts about friends' bad fortune, the only single button option available through the social network at present. He …

  1. BenBell

    Here we go again

    I give it a week before my phone starts ringing with family members and friends losing access to email because they use one password for everything.

    On the other hand, it will be nice to see something new on Facebook - I've noticed that a lot of my social haunts (Reddit, Facebook, et al) seem to have hit a stage where there aren't many new toys appearing - unless there are and I havent noticed them.

  2. Amorous Cowherder

    When someone posts something less than pleasant and people like it I take that to mean that they like the fact that others are happy enough be open about it and the like simply means they appreciate sharing something, not that they like the misfortune.

    For flip's sake humanity, have some imagination!

    1. Laura Kerr

      I suspect you're in the minority there. A few of my friends on Facebook have gone through some tough times, and it's not at all unusual to see few, if any likes and a lot of sympathetic and supportive comments in response to their posts.

      When I see yet another report from American meeja about the bigotry of some retarded Bible-bashing redneck, I don't feel in the least bit tempted to hit 'Like'. 'FFS', 'Dislike' or a thumbs-down expresses my reaction better. In fact, I think el Reg has it right with the icons - a facepalm button would be a good idea (and then of course, el Reg could sue Zuckerworld for copyright infringement :-) )

  3. Yugguy

    If used Facebook I'd be screwed.

    I'd be stabbing that dislike button for everything.

    That and FuckOffAndDie button.

    Is there one? There should be.

    1. Brandon 2

      Re: If used Facebook I'd be screwed.

      What I imagine your facebook looks like:

      As a business owner, I stay the hell away from Facebook, despite its potential to reach customers. Not having control over a part of my business scares the crap out of me.

    2. chivo243 Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: If used Facebook I'd be screwed.


      Have an up vote, and I agree whole heartedly. It's funny though, I almost never give a down vote here on El Reg.

      "That and FuckOffAndDie button." Would be the delete\shutter my account button for me! Just glad I never drank that FB Kool-aide and be like that poor woman with the blue F on her face...

      1. Yugguy

        Re: If used Facebook I'd be screwed.

        What facebook really needs is a whole slew of emotion buttons. Then you could express your whole range of feelings via social media and never have to actually speak to your friends ever again.

  4. Crazy Operations Guy

    Showing empathy

    I find it easier just to comment on the post to show my empathy to the poster. Using just a simple button to try to express that seems wrong to me... Is it really empathy if you don't put any actual effort into it?

    1. silent_count

      Re: Showing empathy

      Yup. "Empathy" without effort corresponds nicely with Facebook's idea of being "social" without any effort towards being sociable enough to spend one's time in the society of one's alleged "friends".

      There should be a whipping in the offing for misappropriating our language but I guess that, "I don't give enough of a rat's backside to actually talk to you so I'll click on this", is too wordy to fit on a button.

  5. Elmer Phud


    Didn't this first appear about five years back, just after the first demand for a 'dislike' button?

    This time there are even 'click here to get your Dislike button' scams.

    I think the Omnipotent One would let the world + dog and, of course cat know all about it -- it'd be on the main news.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: New?

      Grumpy cat already dislikes everything

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dislike Facebook

    Todays poignant NON-oxymoron.

  7. ingie

    Slider of Ambivalence

    ... replace the "like" button with a slider, on 2 axes.

    left/right = "Love <-> Hate"

    down/up = "Care <-> Care Not"

    e.g. somewhere about 2 o'clock = "I hate this but don't give a shit about it"

    which sorta sums up my feelings for faceboo really. i run my own closed diaspora pod, but that's more of an antisocial pub for myself and [actual] friends who live here and there across the planet, than a social network of facebook style.... i may have to do some ruby hackery to make my slider idea for that... hmm... well, it's something to do when i'm not ill.

    one thing i've noticed since not being on facebook... i generally don't find out about parties and anything even from close friends until a month after it's happened, their excuse always being "well, i posted it on facebook" ... well, gee thanks. a few years ago you would have rung me up, or texted. facebook... bringing anti social behaviour to the masses since 2004

    it's a debasement of society... or i'm just bitter that i don't get invited to those sort of parties.

    1. Teiwaz

      Re: Slider of Ambivalence

      Seems you 'might' be invited to those sort of parties.

      'If You can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that's your own fault and it's far too late to do anything about it now... Energise the demolition beams."

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Slider of Ambivalence

      > i generally don't find out about parties and anything even from close friends until a month after it's happened, their excuse always being "well, i posted it on facebook"

      And you complain? Friend of mine has her WORK SCHEDULE (and crucially, any changes thereof) posted on Farcebook by her boss.

      When you think things have reached rock bottom, someone always comes along with a shovel.

      1. skeptical i

        Re: Slider of Ambivalence

        re: "Friend of mine has her WORK SCHEDULE (and crucially, any changes thereof) posted on Farcebook by her boss."

        I am horrified, but I guess that just shows my ignorance of what kids is doing these days. I wonder how the boss would feel if your friend's house got burglarized because perps knew when she wouldn't be there -- sued, perhaps?

    3. Yugguy

      Re: Slider of Ambivalence

      This pisses me off no end. Organisations that ONLY use Facebook to impart information.

  8. Teiwaz

    What about a 'Meh!' button?

    It'd be a shame to have to leap to one extreme or another over the dull carp people post on FB.

    Or a 'WTF?', or a 'Get a Life!' button as well...

  9. skeptical i
    Paris Hilton

    Didn't fecebook already have a dislike button?

    Back towards the beginning, before world+dog discovered fecebook, ISTR a thumbs up/ thumbs down combo, or like/ dislike buttons. The reason for removing the 'dislike' button was something about it being used to bully people; offering only a 'like' button has clearly since then made the world a happier friendlier place and we must now put a stop to that. Zuckerworld, what a strrange place.

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