And what about Qi charging? No need for obsolete micro-USB or any other holes in the casing. And yes, SIM cards are normally in trays or under the rear casing, not exposed to the elements.
Qualcomm’s first charger with Quick Charge 3.0 breaks cover
How would you like to charge your phone much faster? That’s the promise of Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 and the first charger has been caught in the wild. Chinese website Chongdiantou has shown pictures of the device, which supports charging at up to 3 amps. Quick charge only works with phones which have Snapdragon 820, 620, 618 …
Monday 21st September 2015 21:37 GMT Anonymous Coward
Except with wireless charging you still must carry a charger and cable with you when you travel, along with a bulky charging pad! I know, the wet dream of the wireless charging proponents is that someday hotels will have the charging pad built into the nightstand, but with versions constantly changing, that's never going to happen.
Tuesday 22nd September 2015 12:38 GMT Cuddles
"Quick Charge means that you will need a new charger"
No it doesn't. QuickCharge means you can charge faster if you happen to have a new charger, but you can still happily use any regular USB charger if you want. The change to type-C plugs is an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with charging speed.