Evolution is a myth
And everything was created 6000 years ago, especially the sandwiches you get at the shop round the corner from the office.
A "tree of life", which depicts the relationships of 2.3 million named species on Earth, has been created by biologists. Duke University's Karen Cranston, principal investigator on the project, said: “This is the first real attempt to connect the dots and put it all together. Think of it as Version 1.0.” Researchers from …
Without a more strict definition of "related", any two entities are related in some fashion.
Aardvarks and ontology are both related in the sense of being concepts we have name for, for example.
(Of course aardvarks and manatees are much more closely related than that. They're both mammals, which in the greater scheme of things is so close as to be nearly indistinguishable. It's only when you look at them closely that you can see any difference.)
Actually, a double-walled doughnut topology, if you look at the build plan for coelomates. Food goes through the middle hole of the doughnut, and the organs live on the inside (think: inner tube of a tyre). This is the basic plan for all the bilateria, see this node at opentreeoflife.org, which is much more inclusive than the set of animals with four legs!
On the subject of "most things are related", I don't believe there is a convincing example yet of anything now living which is not related to some putative first life on Earth, and I recommend The Ancestor's Tale (Dawkins, R; Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2004) as a good read.