That would be an ecumenical matter.
US Catholic Church launches app for Jesus-phone
Devout followers of the non-holy trinity of Cook, Ive and the holy ghost of Jobs will be delighted to learn that the US branch of the global franchise known as the Catholic Church has introduced its first mobile app ... and also available on Android devices. USA Catholic Church gives latest news on where the Pope is, what he’s …
Wednesday 16th September 2015 13:11 GMT smartypants
There's the lock screen widget too...
It has two lights labelled 'dogma' and 'ignorance'* which start off green to signify that your faith is safe.
The widget then monitors your reading habits and will warn you with red lights if you start to stray to the path of Satan.
(*Jacob Bronowski originally identified these two requirements)
Wednesday 16th September 2015 14:45 GMT Fraggle850
“Scientific and technological progress cannot be equated with the progress of humanity and history”
WTF does that even mean? Is he still getting his intel from burning bushes or voices in his head? The former is a subset of the latter, albeit a fairly significant one, so equivalence comparisons are meaninglessness. How about:
"Science and technology are a reasonable proxy for measuring the progress of humanity and history in most circumstances*"
*unlike that ancient collection of fairy stories that I'm obliged to keep banging on about
There you go your holiness, FTFY.
This post has been deleted by its author
Wednesday 16th September 2015 16:25 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Homilies
> “Scientific and technological progress cannot be equated with the progress of humanity and history”
I think that a lot of people out there conflate "science" (as the sceptical pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and a well defined method to achieve it) and "technology".
The two are related but it is reasonable to investigate both the metaphysical claims of religion and moral/ethical issues with reasoned thought. Isn't that what philosophy is all about?
Wednesday 16th September 2015 20:29 GMT smartypants
I'm on of those millions of catholics too!
Yes, I truly am one of 'the faithful' when it comes to counting catholics. I haven't formally renounced my religion. I'm not even sure how you go about it. But what's the point?
(Looks down at phone. I have two red lights. I am going to burn in HELL argghghgh!)
Wednesday 16th September 2015 14:17 GMT Mephistro
So this app. is like a pinterest group focused on the Pope?
With photos of what's about to eat, and the people he meets, and...
Dear Catholic Church:
Whatever floats your boat, but I want to warn you that this app will promote several uncommon paraphilias among your sheep*.
Yours Truly Etc. Etc. .
* mmhhh, sheep...
Wednesday 16th September 2015 16:35 GMT Fraggle850
Re: "Wouldn't reading the Bible cover to cover also help with that?"
Indeed, and quite instructive in the shenanigans of religion.
I was brought up on this nonsense but fortunately had enough about me to deprogram myself. It's still within living memory (my father's) that the Catholic mass was only ever conducted in Latin and the priest used to have his back to the congregation. I gather that it took a papal edict at some point in the mid 20th century to allow the mass to be conducted in a local tongue. I gather that nuns used to punish children for writing with their left hand in school then too, sign of the devil and all that.