if they felt like doing something about the current problem other than pointless gesturing
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This a thousand times.
My main argument about the dubiousness of *man made* climate-change is rooted in the fact that all of the "actions" proposed (wind farms for a start) have fuck-all effect on the climate, but a very handy effect on the pockets of certain people.
I am sure the combined talents of all El Reggers could easily come up with a top 10 of effective measures that would *dramatically* reduce the UKs carbon footprint. The fact these never make it to the table speaks volumes.
Oh, and just for confirmation, HMG has no idea what the carbon footprint of a single letter from HMRC is (I asked). You'd think if our planet depended on it (or our leaders believed it depended on it) they would know. Or at least care.