back to article Human Rights Watch demands to know who's been snooping on it

Civil rights NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) has launched a legal challenge to find out if its information was shared between the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The organisation is unhappy that a ruling by the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) in February did not …

  1. John G Imrie

    I was going to post here

    But GCHQ already know what I was about to type.

  2. Your alien overlord - fear me
    Black Helicopters

    Who is better at spying? The Agency which you don't even know about.

    Just as Area 51 is just a front to corral the 'we're not alone' brigade, NSA and GCHQ are public to distract the tinhat brigade.

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Did anyone forget

    the predecessor to the KGB?

    Seems that Human Rights Watch is being scrutinized at from many angles, why forget the Russians?

    They have PLENTY of human rights violations there.

    1. caradoc

      Re: Did anyone forget

      Russia would quite likely be interested in HRW, as they get serious funding from George Soros, whose Open Society outfit got chucked out of Russia a few years ago.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My BBA vote goes to...

    The unfree press.

    If we do not have a free press then no other restrictions on freedom will ever be made known, that would ensure they are lost.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: My BBA vote goes to...

      Russia/China/Iran/N Korea etc all have an unfree press.

      Just remind us what's the western press's excuse?

  5. Kubla Cant

    However the IPT has rejected the possibility of a class-action-type lawsuit and says that anyone concerned that they may have been spied on must submit their complaint individually.

    So the IPT would be happy to receive, process and reply to an individual complaint from everybody? Seems like they're setting themselves up for a paper DDOS.

  6. Tubz Silver badge

    IPT protecting the spies, so much for an independent watchdog, no such thing in the UK !!

  7. VinceH
    Big Brother


    "Who’s better at spying, GCHQ or the NSA?"

    That's easy to find out - although the winner is clearly the one with the lowest score in this case.

  8. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    The Big Brother Awards

    They must be working overtime these days . . .

    1. Mark 85

      Re: The Big Brother Awards

      So are all the 5-Eyes watching the site and adding to their watch list those of who went to the site to what it's about...

      Mines the one made of tinfoil with the stylish matching hat ------------------------>

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