That sounds at first very weird, like a "robot welfare" preoccupation, but it seems the point is would the use of such bots be a complement or substitute to actual prostitution? While you might have a strong opinion against prostitution, you might be ok about that involving bots. But once you do that, would you become more interested to try the "human thing"? If so, then it is a valid ethical issue.
BAN the ROBOT WHORES, says robot whore expert: 'These AREN'T BARBIES'
An expert has called for a ban on sex robots, saying that their introduction will, in some unspecified way, increase the damage to society caused by prostitution. Chatting with The Register, Dr Kathleen Richardson PhD contended that the possible AI sex droids of the future would strongly contribute to the continuing miserable …
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:43 GMT TeeCee
Re: who decides
Tell you what, I will.
Unethical is pissing on somebody else's picnic just 'cos you think it's somehow wrong, against nature, defying god's law or very likely to slam your very own gravy train into the buffers[1].
There. That's all the ethicists, clergy and most of the lawyers out of a job, which goes a long way toward proving it's the right answer.
[1] Like this one.
Wednesday 1st June 2016 00:24 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: We have to act now
> The sybian crisis is getting out of hand.
No, no, no. The lady doctor was explicit in her defense of womankind as not engaging in that sort of unseemly sex with inanimate anthropomorphised objects that men do. Women just want the good bits, delivered without the body attached. For women, it's all about "the d" as it were-- a vibrating, writhing one in various shapes, sizes and colours. Nothing at all unhealthy that women see men merely as a disembodied willy to use and put away whenever they need relief...
Thursday 30th June 2016 16:00 GMT Asterix the Gaul
Re: We have to act now
"Women just want the good bits, delivered without the body attached. For women, it's all about "the d" as it were-- a vibrating, writhing one in various shapes, sizes and colours."
So, the women of today enjoy the by-product of using vibrators by growing hair on the palms of their hands,whereas we men have to cope with that by visiting the dentist for a 'haircut'.
I know which I prefer...hang on!, I just remembered, I've got an 'appointment'.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 12:45 GMT Ru'
As it stands now, I bet the ratio of men who have used a "sex robot" compared to women who have is minuscule... Cyber dildonics (best term ever) is going to be a huge enabling industry for proper robotics in the same way porn has helped the video (and no doubt VR) industries. Luckily it's very easy to separate porn etc. from reality so I can't see it harming views on women. But I'm just some bloke so what do I know.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:26 GMT Loyal Commenter
As it stands now, I bet the ratio of men who have used a "sex robot" compared to women who have is minuscule
It depends on what you define as a 'sex robot'. It could be argued that women (and indeed some men) have been using these for years and have refined them down to the point where they consist of only the essential 'part', and a place to put the batteries.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 17:22 GMT James Micallef
Putting on my "I wonder how she came up with that" cap for a moment:
If porn robotics advances to such a stage where a pornbot will be physically as close to a woman* as makes no difference, then men* who get used to treating pornbots as objects, will start treating other women* (who look like the pornbots) as objects too.
That's a bit fallacious, since you could make the same argument for any type of humanoid robot, no matter what it's function. There are valid concerns in that direction, many of which explored in, for example, Asimov's 'spacer' worlds. But that is all based on massive 'what ifs'. Who knows, maybe humanoid robots that are undistinguishable from humans will make us all a bit more polite to each other.
Back in the real world, where pornbots are going to be easily distinguishable from humans for (guesstimate) centuries through behaviour alone, maybe it will work the other way, and use of pornbots that are readily identifiable as objects will lead to less objectification of humans.
Either way, my money is on these things reducing the 'back alley' cheap prostitution (the vast majority, including the more exploited women which I guess is what this lady should be more concerned about), while high-class escort services wouldn't be affected.
*potentially with genders reversed/mixed, but I'm pretty sure this is the main 'use-case'
Tuesday 15th September 2015 12:46 GMT Anonymous Coward
Of course its a sex object. If I owned one, it would be MY sex object. Like a vibrator, or squirmy rooter or bum thrustermatic 5000 or whatever else inhabits people's bedroom drawers or wardrobes or dungeons or whatever.
What business is it of her's that I have a sex object? Who is she to dictate what I use to pleasure myself in the privacy of my own bedroom, not affecting anyone else and doing nothing illegal.
As for it might reduce human interaction, erm, does that mean it might reduce casual sex? a robot isnt going to be a genuine fleshy companion, but surely it has to be better than waking up to someone unknown after 5 cans of tennants super down the local disco and a free exchange of virus or microbes which might have very bad long term concequences for their host? Or ending up with unwanted offspring and a lifeterm commitment to support said error of alcoholic judgement?
Please, FOAD back to the 19th centuary.
I think we should have a pettition to ban Kathleen Richardson for being stupid and judgemental, in the most glorous doubletake wording possible.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 12:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
When I read this on the beeb this morning it looked like "woman ask for ban on sex toys for men".
Yet some stats put the sale of sex toys for women at over 1M per year (which does sound a little high) and most city high streets will have at least one store that sells them.
Perhaps she should go and read Asimov, she might find that it isn't men, or at least only men, who are the target market place.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:01 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Demarcation?
I think her assertion that 80% of prostitutes being women with the other 20% being children and transgender men is complete bolllocks.
Although there is clearly going to be a high ratio of women, there are still _plenty_ of male prostitutes in the world of both gay and straight denominations - and these seem to be entirely missing from her data.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 20:23 GMT DropBear
Re: Demarcation?
"...she might find that it isn't men, or at least only men, who are the target market place"
Quick tally on a major UK "provider's" site (only ever visited strictly for research - of course), assuming no men interested in pointy things (in an academic spherical-cow-like view - sorry, rainbow guys):
- (men's) masturbators & pumps: 79 items found
- dildos & vibrators: 316 items found
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:46 GMT Voland's right hand
That is not what the law says
The law as it stands today will line you up for a long spell in state accommodation nearly anywhere if your toy resembles let's say Lisa Simpson. Unless you are designing Olympic logos of course.
In some jurisdictions you will end up in state accommodation with extra services such as lashes, etc if the toy resembles a person of the same sexual persuasion as you.
So as the law and society perceptions presently stand there is a limit to what you can enjoy in your own house. By the way - I fully agree to ban her (and other pretend moralists that probably have a vibrator in their purse) and send them back to sometimes in the middle ages where they belong.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 12:50 GMT RobHib
Concerns? It's little wonder methinks.
Seems to me that there may be another motive behind Dr Kathleen Richardson's concerns. A small increase of a few percent in the number of women on the planet could effectively reduce the power of women. Female-like robot surrogates may fulfil that role.
If males could get enjoyable, consistent, trouble and argument-free sex from lifelike surrogates whenever they wanted it then women's power over them by withholding sex etc. could be seriously undermined.
Little wonder Dr Richardson couches her concerns in a somewhat ridiculous way.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:16 GMT RobHib
@nsld - Re: Concerns? It's little wonder methinks.
Like it or hate it, I've absolutely no doubt that we'll eventually have female robot sex partners. Fettishes seem to be widespread and commomplace, so robots that are truly lifelike representations of females would probably be very acceptable to many males–they might even be a great hit.
Given that the current state of robot technology is equivalent to what computers were in the 1950s, just consider what a surrograte female robot would be like 50 years hence. Right, it's a no-brainer.
Meanwile I'll continue to enjoy the real thing despite tribulations.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:32 GMT fajensen
Re: @nsld - Concerns? It's little wonder methinks.
just consider what a surrograte female robot would be like 50 years hence.
Stronger, Faster, Smarter, Friendlier & More Attractive than most humans. Honestly, What's not to like?
Who the hell else than a robot will want to change my diaper in 50 years time and carry me off to bed? A female robot would of course be designed to enjoy every opportunity to help it's master, whatever the task required of it - exactly like dogs are. Besides ... the alternatives, Is it more "fair" to employ a 3'rd worlder or minimum-wage carer to do this kind of work (and wear down *their* health from the strain of it, besides us having nothing to talk about and scheduling preventing any time wasted on non-KPI tasks)?
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:54 GMT Anonymous Coward
birth rates plummet.
We won't need sex to reproduce. Let's make it obsolete.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 18:48 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: birth rates plummet.
"[...] recently acknowledged that it is possible to use skin stem cells from two adults of the same gender to make human egg and sperm cells."
With early cell cluster genetic screening and repair - then the scenario of Lapis and Lazuli** from a single parent becomes possible. All you need are surrogate mothers - assuming Brave New World techniques are still far in the future.
**or were they clones of their father?
Sunday 20th September 2015 03:24 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Concerns? It's little wonder methinks.
This is not a primary source, and I cannot be bothered to go do your research.
The number of children under 15 is stable at around 1.9B and it has peaked. The estimated maximum global population of 9.xB sometime around 2050 (the value declines pretty much every year when the estimates are made).
This is not contentious.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:08 GMT psyvenrix
Re: Concerns? It's little wonder methinks.
Came here to post a quick anti-feminist rant using just that angle of how sex-fem-bots reduces female power over men.
Found not only did you beat me to the punch you did so with none of the bile oozing out of my mouth hole.
I shall take notes and learn from this. Thank you.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 16:04 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Concerns? It's little wonder methinks.
No one castigates you for employing a cook or cleaner in quite the same way as they do for frequenting an establishment of negotiable affection.
You'd probably have different bots for different jobs.
You could have a cook bot (and put Pizza delivery drivers out of work)
A clean bot (Oh no the thought of Kryten's groinal attachment just sprung to mind)
As well as a bonky bot.
What's more none of them would get jealous of each other.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 12:57 GMT SolidSquid
Re: Where does she draw the line?
Even then it gets pretty fuzzy, you'd probably need to hit actual self awareness with the ai before consent actually became an issue, but judging whether it's hit that threshold. If you've programmed it so it's capable of saying no, but it gets so much out of the sex that it never really has a *reason* to say no then arguably you have consent in everything except a very small edge case, but the question then is whether the edge case is a bug or if it's an actual consent issue
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:11 GMT Tim Jenkins
Re: Where does she draw the line?
If your sex robot has achieved actual self awareness, then you're into a whole different ball *ahem* game . Presumably it consents, or not, with the added option of applying a few thousand volts through its universal sex bus in the event of unwanted docking...
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:03 GMT Michael H.F. Wilkinson
Re: Where does she draw the line?
I think you should draw the line when they implement the GPP-feature. Not necessarily for ethical reasons, but just because Sirius Cybernetics is bound to get something HORRIBLY wrong in "your plastic pal who's fun to be with".
That, and inevitably the genuine people personality will be thoroughly annoying in some way
Tuesday 15th September 2015 14:05 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Where does she draw the line?
> Obvious a dildo is a sex toy, but
Glance at any site that sells dildos and you've find that along with the static varieties and simple mechanical vibrators there is an ever increasing use of electronics in them. The robocock will be around decades before the fully functioning robo hooker of Red Dwarf fame.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 12:57 GMT Anonymous Coward
She seems to have overlooked the hypothesis that over time people will bond with machines that exhibit even the smallest of human characteristics. That makes a home sex robot no different than a favourite teddy bear, or even a treasured car, in the owner's affections.
There is possibly a difference between street prostitutes with random clients - and what used to be called courtesans with regular clients. The story of Cynthia Payne suggested that she regarded the services she provided as sex therapy for her regular customers - plus a friendly cup of tea and a biscuit.
Simon Raven's series of novels often had plots including that symbiotic theme culled from his hedonistic life.
A social worker acquaintance once said that many families didn't face up to the fact that their grown-up disabled children had sexual needs. In enlightened areas these were provided by sympathetic sex workers.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:57 GMT Peter Gathercole
Re: Would..
"Gynoids" as a term has already been used in Japanese Anime. I'm sure the subject's appeared before these examples, but it's in one of the GITS SAC gigs, and also part of the theme of the "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence" film. They're definitely regarded as property in these works, although the concept of 'ghost dubbing' (duplicating a real person's mind, or ghost) into gynoids confuses the issue - especially when they start killing their owners or clients, but that's the point of the story, blurring the boundaries between AI and humans.
Is the Major still human?
Robot 'maids' have been a common plot in Japanese fiction for many years, some quite innocently, some definitely not, not that I watch or read the latter.
Wednesday 16th September 2015 15:35 GMT Peter Gathercole
Re: Would..
The question about the Major was largely rhetorical, bearing in mind that the whole series is exploring the boundaries of what is human and what is not.
The way that in the original film, Project 2501 was trying to define itself as a artificial being, and the treatment of Proto and the Tachikomas, as well as the conclusion of GITS SAC: Solid State Society are all about the anomalous state of various entities in the franchise.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:22 GMT Anonymous Coward
Evidence-based conclusions?
It would be interesting to learn how many sex workers Dr Kathleen Richardson has actually interviewed about their attitudes to their work. At the moment, I get the impression that she thinks prostitution should be banned because she doesn't like it and she knows best.
Wednesday 16th September 2015 06:23 GMT Steven Roper
Re: Evidence-based conclusions?
"Is she married? To What?"
Probably to some male-feminist misandrist mangina whiteknight cockroach like Michael Flood, or Allen G. Johnson.
(If you don't know who these maggots are, try googling them. Make sure your stomach is empty and bowels voided first.)
Tuesday 15th September 2015 19:07 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: It's not as if it's a Barbie.
"Actually the origins of Barbie was as a sex toy."
That reminds me of Leslie Thomas's 1970s novel "The Man With The Power". The character of the title is a charismatic Welsh preacher touring the USA with his wife and teenage daughter. He remarks to people about the innocence of his daughter - as she still takes her china doll to bed with her. What she does each night is detach one of the arms and ....
The Amazon picture of the 1975 paperback cover is of its time and is NSFW. Later reprints of many of his 1970s paperbacks had the cover artwork changed to be more Politically Correct.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:30 GMT Knewbie
The remaining 20 per cent ...made up of children and transgendered men.
The remaining 20 per cent she suggested were made up of children and transgendered men.
So no male prostitution exist. At all. Except womanized men.
So, dear lady, can we speak about bias in your approach or mindset ?!?
Mine is the one with the cigar and the 100$ notes, I'll take it when leaving...
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:32 GMT Anonymous Coward
Exactly whom is "objectifying" women?
Richardson is just another idiot with an anti male agenda looking for her 15 minutes of fame. She can't live with the fact that if there are female sex robots it will remove forever the possibility of her having any "male companionship" (read as man to abuse). Not that there are many men that could be so stupid or subservient to begin with.
Before Darryl Hannah played Pris in Blade Runner, the idea of a sex android has been popular in Science Fiction. Beyond PK Dick; Sturgeon, Farmer, Heinlein, LeGuin and many others explored similar sexuality in S.F.
Look at the lifelike Japanese female robots they have been making and tell me they aren't prototypes.
The upshot of this is that people can reliably work out their kinks in their playroom instead of playing them out on humans. That may turn out to be the single greatest advancement in human relationships ever.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:35 GMT adnim
I would like to
call a ban on promoting half thought out, emotive responses to what may or may not happen. I would also like to promote a ban on... "I have never considered your point but it doesn't make me wrong simply because I have thought about my stance with an closed and indoctrinated mind"
Fuck you all.... those that expect the world to meet your expectations... You want progress or stagnation? Change hurts and we as a species need change to progress... Grasp a fucking clue!
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:42 GMT BinkyTheMagicPaperclip
'it's not as if it's a barbie'
Well, yes, yes it is. Look at a Realdoll and stick some electronics in it (basically what's being suggested here). Realdolls, last time I looked, ranged from average to uncommon physiques and then branched out into a separate line of Holy Fuck That's Creepy alien or doll like models. The difference from a lifesize Barbie should be minimal - that has improbable physiques, too.
It's all nonsense, anyway. There's no way a sex robot is a credible possibility at this point. The most that's likely is a real doll with an inbuilt sex toy, some voice recognition and canned responses. It's a very fancy blow up doll, not a responsive partner.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 13:57 GMT chivo243
Ok, here goes
Frank Zappa's "Artificial Rhonda" - Thing-Fish
Futurama's "I dated a Robot" I can think of better woman analog than Lucy Liu - Natalie Portman to keep it geeky!
And besides what's the difference between a robot and your own hand after you've sat on your hand and put it to sleep?
Ratboy- If you read El Reg look me up! You know who you are!
Tuesday 15th September 2015 14:03 GMT msknight
Richardson is a few screws short of a mechano set
She talks/behaves as if human relations are a tightly defined set. They're not.
What is one partner to do if the other turns frigid, or has a medical accident and can't perform, or something?
She seems to think that the other partner should somehow suck it up and me a man/woman about it and automatically shelve their own carnal instincts if something goes tits up. (or penis down, or something. Hell, work out your own analogy.) She may be a professor, but she clearly known jack shit about real life.
Well, I for one would wish she'd GET some carnal instincts and experience a bit more of life, so she can learn more about what she's spouting a load of uneducated hot air about.
I think it was Dumas that said, "Marriage is a chain so heavy that it takes two people to carry it - sometimes three."
Jeese Louise. Someone pump that woman full of hormones and see what comes out the other end.
Prudish pillocks like her make me so bloody angry. Don't give a damn about people, just as long as the world turns the way they want it to turn, at the speed they want it to. Idiots, the lot of them.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 19:18 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Richardson is a few screws short of a mechano set
"[...] or has a medical accident and can't perform, or something?"
An elderly friend had had a husband who suffered circulatory problems that put him in a wheelchair and eventually killed him in his forties. Before he suffered early onset dementia he encouraged his wife to take a lover.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 20:42 GMT DropBear
Re: Richardson is a few screws short of a mechano set
"Well, I for one would wish she'd GET some carnal instincts and experience a bit more of life, so she can learn more about what she's spouting a load of uneducated hot air about."
Well said. Just one thing to add: "Satisfaction". Aussie made. Only three seasons. WATCH IT.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 14:19 GMT Your alien overlord - fear me
She said that use of sex-bots is deeply connected to the use of prostituted women.
Really? Sexbots have been around for a few thousand years have they? I think she means prossies had better find a new career.
Reminds me, who has gone to A & E claiming to have falled under their Roomba. They're the robotic equiv. of vacuum cleaners.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 19:20 GMT Anonymous Coward
"Reminds me, who has gone to A & E claiming to have falled under their Roomba. "
In Scotland many years ago a stag night would sometimes end with the groom and a farm milking machine.
A nurse girlfriend once recounted the A&E case of an unfortunate man who had failed to recognise the potential problem with a Babycham bottle's shape.
This post has been deleted by its author
Wednesday 16th September 2015 11:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Deathbots good. Sexbots bad.
"No-one is currently pining for cruxifiction and witchburn bots yet except maybe medieval terror trolls ISIS [...]"
You have cast your net outside Europe. Therefore you are including the crucifixion fetishists in the Catholic Philippines. There are "witch" burnings in Africa - as well as Indonesia and South America.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 14:54 GMT Captain Hogwash
I've seen this on several online publications today. This woman appears to assume that such devices will be produced only to satisfy the needs of heterosexual males. I suspect that models will be available for all tastes and genders (if any at all are.) For the record, I have no interest in using these things for their intended purpose if any are ever built. However I would be happy to contribute code for appropriate remuneration.
Saturday 19th September 2015 10:39 GMT Suricou Raven
Re: Sexism?
If they became semi-commonplace - say, about the same as the more exotic sex toys today - it's not hard to imagine a community of sexbot hackers online exchanging printable upgrade designs and new programming. People mod their PCs for cosmetic reasons, so think what you could do with a sex-bot. However exotic your tastes?
Fan of Avatar? Then you'll want to get your stock Cherry 2000 model, download a new voice pack and behavioral profile, print yourself a new facial plate. The skin is going to be harder, but you should be able to order roboskin intended for animal displays, and the eye lenses along with them. Might be a bit of a hack job, but doable.
Just think of what the furries alone would do! And then go bang your head against a wall until that image departs your mind.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 14:56 GMT amanfromMars 1
What is meant by ....... Take over the world? Being smarter than ignorant humans?
Richardson turned away from the actual issue of banning robots - stating again that sex toys, and sex robots, exist because of prostitution.
Exist because of prostitution? Oh please, doc, you cannot be serious. That is just too unbelievable to be acceptable, methinks.
And here is Dr Kathleen Richardson, lecturing an audience on Will robots take over the world?
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:08 GMT Stevie
Robot Totty must:
a) Look like the real thing (or not, if you want to go All Soryama, All Night).
2) Do whatever one wants behind closed doors enthusiastically instead of screaming and throwing kitchen implements one's way whenever one says "how about a fashion show?"
#) Not phone anyone afterward to "tell all".
Once those Three Laws of Robot Crumpet are in play we can safely move human partners to where they want to be: raising kids (or not) and focusing on work (or not). Whatever, other human beings will not be needed for quick, fun, naughty/kinky sex and neither will they need bribing with dinner and flowers for "undergoing" same.
I see no downside, and I'll take the Cherry 2000.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 17:31 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Isn't it nice, sugar and spice
A modern Pinnocchio?
Like "Key the Metal Idol"? No, wait, she was no robot after all. Or was she?
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
At the moment and for the foreseeable future I think this idea of banning what amounts to very expensive and complicated vibrators is completely bonkers but this is a question we might need to address one day. Assuming NK doesn't cause us to nuke ourselves back to the dark ages at some point we'll probably actually crack AI and we'll end up with machines that express emotions as we understand them and a desire for continued existence. In fact in all ways that can be measured they will effectively be alive. Would it still then be ethical to have one just for your pleasure? I would probably argue that it isn't. While they are still as dumb as (and about as attractive as) your toaster though who am I to stop you!
Tuesday 15th September 2015 19:44 GMT Anonymous Coward
"Would it still then be ethical to have one just for your pleasure?"
The Blade runner ethical question. The Robert Heinlein 1947 hypothetical court case of granting a chimpanzee human rights in "Jerry was a man" has apparently just been enacted in real life.
Saturday 19th September 2015 11:01 GMT Suricou Raven
A sex-bot does not need to express emotions as we know them. A sex-bot needs to be able to mimic emotion sufficiently well to convince a user who is already trying to convince themself. That's not such a hard goal.
The tricky part is going to be programming it to carry out the two-minute conversation that counts as foreplay and accurately interpret commands from an operator who might be uncomfortable stating outright their desires.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 16:04 GMT Anonymous Coward
No.1 Given the number of sex toys sold to females as opposed to males I'd question who is more likely to buy one.
No.2 If they could create an android that could provide emotional support and a physical relationship what makes people think males would want them more then females?
No.3 I've never really understood the fuss, perhaps the would would be a better place if males used sex toys as much as females?
Also there are actually a fair few of us (and I suspect our number grows) who have failed so far to actually find another person that fits into their existence correctly and could do with some kind of partner.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 16:21 GMT Why Not?
She knows Sex always gets there first?
Printing presses - for printing naughty pamphlets.
Film Projectors - for stag films
VCRs - stag films
streaming - porn films and live sex
I bet we find Ada Lovelace was actually calculating ways to find the best page of the Kama Sutra for that day.
The first monetarisation for almost any technology normally involves Sex. The porn industry will lead the development. The other two other ways are exploration & WAR. Sex you can monetarise in your back bedroom and it doesn't involve shooting anyone.
with apologies to Gordon Gecko:
"I am not a despoiler of ladies. I am a liberator of them! The point is, ladies and gentleman, that Sex, for lack of a better word, is good. Sex is right, Sex works. Sex clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Sex, in all of its forms; lust for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Sex, you mark my words, will not only develop technology faster, but save that other malfunctioning corporation called the world. Thank you very much."
Tuesday 15th September 2015 19:50 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: She knows Sex always gets there first?
"The other two other ways are exploration & WAR. "
Getting high is now moving from the chemical laboratory into the application of electronic technology interacting with the nervous system. It is on a convergent path with the sex robots - to the point where they become virtual reality with real orgasmic sensations.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 16:32 GMT Anonymous Coward
Deciding to go so far as to set up a campaign about such an odd topic based on flimsy knowledge and research says more to me about the backers (Kathleen Richardson and Erik Billing) than the topic itself.
On a lighter note, did anyone else assume for a split second the picture at the top of the bbc article featured the robot ethicist in question?
Tuesday 15th September 2015 20:19 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: what about child sex-bots?
"How do commentators feel about the production of child-like sex robots?"
A company in the USA make extremely life-like custom mannequins for customers - some of which are very up-market sex dolls. They say they refuse to make any that are child-like.
Can't find the article but here is a near one with a cheaper non-customised range. NSFW !!!!!!!
Tuesday 15th September 2015 17:05 GMT Cynic_999
Anyone who has hired or employed someone to do something for them is renting someone else's body. I see little ethical difference between hiring a contract programmer and using his brains to do something you want, hiring a gardener and using his muscles to do something you want, and hiring a prostitute and using their body parts to do something you want. In all cases you have "objectified" the person you hired.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 17:18 GMT Bota
zero fucks given
A few short points if I may:
1 - She said that use of sex-bots is deeply connected to the use of prostituted women. Obviously Thailand is teeming with machine powered whore houses.
2 - Who is SHE to say what I, as an adult man should or shouldn't be able to enjoy (within the law of course)
3 - Think of the benefits - i.e prisoners, pedos who need a surrogate, health affected individuals, genuinely lonely fucking people, people who LOVE sex but hate HERPES, rapists? The list is endless. While we're on the subject common sense would tell you that most people would prefer creepy Mr X down the street to be banging dolls than running summer camps and getting all "Ranger McFriendly".
4 - The religious could use them and still keep vows of celibacy, might improve their image tbh
5 - Has anyone seen Ex Machina? If yes, you probably would of fuct the android from it.
6 - The real concern - she malfunctions when your sticking your wick in there and it powers down, how much would it weigh and imagine taking it to the ER.
In short, she's a cunt.
7 - Final point, if they're made in Nigeria would I need to give my card details prior?
Tuesday 15th September 2015 17:30 GMT Richard Altmann
Best Poll ever!
This lady owes me a keyboard. I always thought such plants can only flower in the US of A. Great to see that an hithero unknown (at least to me) university made it into the Reg. Wait ... is it a PR stunt? Anyway, going through this 200 or so comments will make my evening. Top Notch! ... My wife is getting concerned because i just cannot stop laughing ...
Tuesday 15th September 2015 17:59 GMT Anonymous Coward
harm reduction
Prostitution is not going away anytime soon because there is enormous demand for such services. Wouldn't the widespread use of sex-bots go a long way toward significantly reducing the exploitation and misery of actual human beings?
That would be a huge plus, in my opinion. I'm afraid, however, that it's orthogonal to Professor Richardson's (rather stilted) view.
This post has been deleted by its author
Tuesday 15th September 2015 19:57 GMT Anonymous Coward
Sex robots are out of date
She is missing the obvious trend. What will become the sex toy is Virtual Reality interacting with the human nervous system. If your senses tell you something is happening - then that is your reality.
No mechanical devices to store or go wrong - just an app plugged into your sensory implant. No doubt there will then be laws against downloading some scenarios for the app to run.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 20:04 GMT skeptical i
Some thoughts
(a) If the good Doctor is concerned about the exploitation part of prostitution, then she should consider legalizing (or at least de-criminalizing) it so that those in the industry can go to police to report abuse without fear of being locked up themselves, can unionize, and can generally make more ruckus about better working conditions. The State of Nevada has legalized prostitution and while I don't have figures to hand (ha!), my guess is that labour conditions are more favourable there and incidents of abuse/ exploitation are lower than in other states.
(b) Ditto everyone above who has pointed out the "vibrators good, sexbots bad?" incongruence. Not necessarily my cup of darjeeling, but I don't see how having more options available for folks to scratch itches is a bad thing.
(c) Comments about "finally, being able to get a shag without all the human baggage -- arguments, bribing with dinner and flowers, threats of partners withholding bedroom action" would suggest that sexbots could certainly solve some of the symptoms of a relationship mismatch but won't cure it. This of course, is one of the many areas of compromise/ negotiation that each couple has to decide for itself.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 21:03 GMT T. F. M. Reader
Citation needed
I looked at the reference list of the good Dr.'s "Research-Position Paper" and there is a glaring omission: "Satisfaction Guaranteed" by Dr. Isaac Asimov. I strongly suspect it may take the research - and position - to entirely new directions. The good Dr. may also expand the scope of her research after studying Dr. Asimov's "Evidence", too.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 21:07 GMT Destroy All Monsters
The Polish King Of Cybernetics Satire predicted ...
In Stanislaw Lem's "The Washing Machine Tragedy", we read:
Shortly after my return from the Eleventh Voyage, the papers began to devote increasing space to the competition between two large washing-machine manufacturers, Newton and Snodgrass.
Buying up the appropriate rights and licenses from interested parties for a sum of one million dollars, [Snodgrass] constructed, for bachelors, a washing machine endowed with the proportions of the renowned sexpot Mayne Jansfield, in platinum, and another, the Curlie McShane model, in black. Sales immediately jumped 87 percent. His opponent appealed to Congress, to public opinion, to the DAR, and to the PTA. But when Snodgrass kept supplying stores with washers of both sexes, more and more beautiful and seductive, Newton gave in and introduced the custom-built washers, which received the figure, coloring, size, and likeness chosen by the customer according to the photograph enclosed with his order. While the two giants of the washing-machine industry thus engaged in all-out war, their products began to exhibit unexpected and dangerous tendencies. The wet-nurse washers were bad enough, but washers that led to the ruin of promising young men and women, that tempted, seduced, and taught bad language to children — they were a serious family problem, not to mention washers with which one could cheat on one’s husband or wife! Those manufacturers of washing machines who still remained in business told the public, in ads, that the Jansfield-McShane washer represented an abuse of the high ideals of automated laundering (which was intended, after all, to strengthen and support the domestic way of life), since this washer could hold no more than a dozen handkerchiefs or one pillowcase, the rest of its interior being occupied by machinery that had not a thing to do with laundering — quite the contrary. These appeals had no effect. The snowballing cult of beautiful washers even tore a considerable part of the public away from their television sets. And that was only the beginning. Washers endowed with full spontaneity of action formed clandestine groups and engaged in shady operations. Whole gangs of them entered into cahoots with criminal elements, became involved with the underworld, and gave their owners terrible problems.
Tuesday 15th September 2015 21:31 GMT Speltier
Slippery slope down the rabbit hole
No, not a doebot! (well, ok, maybe a morphing bot... interior 3D printer creating the topological exterior... but I digress)
I mean really, where does this person get off thinking that humans are somehow special and not just Decartesian loosely force bound clouds of subatomic particles? Earth Firsters as the center of the firmament, music of the spheres, soul in the heart, Brother Assassin (how close does a pornbot have to be before the bot passes for a person ... not just Turing complete, but Richardson complete?) ... how much of the whole (ahem) does the toy have to be before the toy is not classed as a toy any longer. It is a slippery slide down the old rabbit hole it is-- no fur no lecherous lapinous intent?
Tuesday 15th September 2015 23:15 GMT Anonymous Coward
The contraceptive pill is an environmental toxin from the view point of the evolutionary process. Humans will eventually, in a few generation, evolve to avoid it, for example by becoming even more unstable and having minds adapted to extreme religious views. It seems to me that robotics offers an adaptive method of birth control that can match pace with evolution and is unlikely to be avoided.
Saturday 19th September 2015 10:33 GMT Suricou Raven
I think he was referring more to the scenario of 'Rise of the Marching Morons' or the movie 'Idiocracy.'
Intelligent, rational people use birth control, and breed only when they are emotionally ready, have a stable long-term relationship and have sufficient long-term career prospects that they are confident they can properly care for their offspring.
Religious nutters think contraception is a crime against their God, screw like rabbits and accept every child as a blessing confident that God will make it all work out somehow. Given enough time that would lead to natural selection - genetic in the very long term, but cultural in the short term, as most individuals take on the cultural and religious views of their parents. So within a few generations you find that simple reproductive advantage shifts the population in favor of those views which discourage of prohibit contraception.
Wednesday 16th September 2015 14:23 GMT sisk
Call me crazy, but I can't help but feel that any pimp who would otherwise traffic young women against their wills would not do so given the option to traffic a robot that doesn't have a will. For one thing the robot isn't going to require food or sleep or any of the other things those pesky humans need. At most it might need plugged in for a few hours every day. For another trafficked women sometimes escape and almost always want to, whereas the robot wouldn't. All in all pimping out a sexbot would be a whole lot less headache than pimping out a woman. Basically if the things were convincing enough (ie, more human-like than we can currently make them and firmly on the other side of the uncanny valley) and within a certain price range (cheaper than a human slave but much more expensive than a night with a prostitute) I could very easily see them making a bigger dent in the human trafficking problem than any thing else we could do.
Wednesday 23rd September 2015 16:14 GMT Someone_Somewhere
Area 51 Sex Doll - NSFW*
It occured to me a while ago that human/extraterrestrial relations will not get into their stride until 'perverts' get in on the act - the postSETI version of interracial relationships in Alabama.
Those of you with an interest in promoting interspecies harmony could get a headstart here:
* No, really, unless you work in 'the industry', you wouldn't want it showing up in the company log of your internet activity