Re: Bubble bursting
From what I understand about Steve Jobs he wasn't technically that great, but he was able to push those around him to innovate, and he had a good eye for what future technology would sell. He wasn't a particularly nice boss, but he rewarded those who did their jobs well.
Remember things Apple have achieved under his leadership.. First relatively cheap all in one computer (the Apple II). First commercially available computer with a GUI (Lisa). First relatively cheap commercially available computer with a GUI (Macintosh). They were also (I believe) the first company to introduce full WiFi support across their range, as well as the first company to move away from floppy disks.
Apparently, the Apple II having an internal power supply was a major breakthrough as (at the time) no power supply small enough to fit in the case could provide anywhere near enough power for the computer.
I am not saying Steve Jobs achieved those things himself. He didn't. The technicians and engineers under him did.
Apple, under Tim Cook, does not seem to be innovating so much. The have improved the products they had, made them thinner and faster, while improving battery life (if appropriate), but where are the products that have the "wow" factor that the first iMac, iPod, iPhone or iPad had? Even the Macbook air, while a laptop (and therefore hardly anything new) had it's "wow" moment when Steve Jobs pulled it out of an a4 envelope.
I don't think it's only Apple though. Every new generation of every mobile device is the same as the previous one, just with more memory, a faster CPU, better graphics and a better camera. There's no real "wow" there. While Google do have some new devices with the "Wow" factor (like Glass), there is the added creepy factor that seemingly everything Google do is intended to track it's users.
Personally, with Apple, I'd like to see them move away from making things thinner and offer things like memory card support. With the laptops, I'd like to see them back away from the SSDs a little and offer HDDs to those of us who need more storage as much as we need battery life and speed of access.