You don't expect a product by Apple to give you a rash.
They give me a rash, even without touching them.
An iPhone 6 has reportedly given one British chap a "painful and lumpy" rash right through his trouser pockets. Stockton-on-Tees local Mark Watson, 37, developed an itchy swelling shortly after laying his eager hands on a new Jesus Mobe. When a couple of creams from the chemist failed to resolve the problem, a bit of online …
have the phone plated in PURE gold. "Steve" would be happy and Apple would have even greater margins.
Pure Gold is the least reactive metal and causes the least amount of allergic responses. Other types of gold can have silver or copper or both alloyed with the gold, usually to make the metal stronger.
A simple answer is to get one of those tacky silicon rubber cases that are available for all phones.
You can even get them in a clear formulation so you can continue to gaze upon the beauty of the Jesus phone.
Cue jokes about tacky, silicon and rubber.
The simplest answer is to put the phone in the pocket of your coat/jacket and only handle using pvc or nitrile rubber gloves.
The Apple answer is leave the phone in your coat pocket and buy an Apple Watch so you never need to handle the phone.
The rest of the world says ....... cut off the leg (Doesn't really help but entertains the non-Apple fanbois)
He's one electrode, the fruitmobe the other, and the sweaty pocket cloth is the electrolyte.
He should find a way to us it to charge the phone- with the battery life of iThings as it is, they'll be queueing up to get a rashy leg if it doesn't mean they have to carry a charger around...
Or is this a case of iBalls?
I have been desperate to diagnose an iPhone user with this since I first came across this handy titbit of info (about this time last year iirc) but sadly no such patient has presented to me... usually it is described as a contact dermatitis in the hand (of whichever hand they tend to use on the phone, obviously). It is related to the nickel component in the gorilla glass.
Nickel allergies are a great diagnosis, as you look really clever with a minimal amount of knowledge. Bugger all treatment though beyond avoidance (a problem if it's your jeans button, or you really like that cheap piercing).