back to article Reg readers show Blitz spirit at Computer Museum lecture

Having a hankering for the shiniest of new kit doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate genius that went into the tech of the past. Otherwise, why would 40-odd Reg readers have squeezed into our final summer lecture, delivered by Kevin Murrell, co-founder of The National Museum of Computing in Bletchley. Kevin deployed a bit of …

  1. DJV Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Absolutely fascinating.

    Just watched the video instead of working - brilliant!

    More like this please, el Reg!

  2. Andy Taylor

    Come and visit the museum for free this weekend

    As part of the Heritage Open Days scheme, there are limited free tickets available for the museum this Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Advance booking is essential - you can find out more here:

    See you there!

  3. zxspectum
    Thumb Up

    Fantastic video wish I could have been there

    I visited the museum about 2 years ago (All the way from Sydney Australia) and dragged along my relatives from the UK with me. They were very unsure about seeing old computers but were all pleasantly surprised and in the end had to drag them away.

    I am very happy with the way it is progressing and teaching people more about computer programming in general. Fingers crossed they get more funding allowing increased training programmes for schools.

    Great to emphasise the static museum versus this more hand on "noisy smelly" approach. ;0)

    Also a surprise was the Raspberry PI was not the more successful PC with school classes but instead the old BBC Mirco!

  4. Tom Chiverton 1 Silver badge

    Is it so hard to provide a straight download link so I can transfer to my phone for the commune ?

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