Re: Ha, ha, ha
For Gary and the other poster
Predictably, I get the flood of downvotes for any word questioning Scaled or Space X.
In the case of Scaled, the lifter aircraft (White Knight) was based on a project for the US military. If you bother to read about their history, it is perfectly clear.
Cross-subsidies for the ridiculously named 'Space Ship One' clearly flowed from their military projects.
Various other teams were trying to do genuinely independent designs, but it all came to nothing for the massively subsidised success of Scaled, completely defeating the purpose of the prize.
Win for the US military-industrial complex, loss for innovations in space engineering.
I was excited by the video of the flight, saw it at a big electronics shop, but don't try to tell me that they had anything but a negative effect on the contest.
Will agree that Space X is more interesting than ULA, but the OP's or your '$20 million' (from a state govt.) is bullshit, the subsidies are in the many hundreds of millions, already well over a thousand of them I would think, and Musk seems very shy about spending any of his own gargantuan fortune on the project.
The information is readily available, so I won't be spoon-feeding it to you and other besotted Scaled and Space X fans.
Apart from the one or two successful supply flights, Space X has delivered nothing so far, ergo, is receiving massive subsidies.