Photoshopped picture?
I don't really see the relevance of the picture anyway, except perhaps a "sucking at the tit" suggestion, but isn't it unsual to have windows on a tanker (other than the cockpit, that is)?
The Ministry of Defence was given the green light to splash £7.8m on Oracle licences this year, according to official gov info. According to the department's ICT exemption data for the first three months of 2015, the deal was given spending approval by the Cabinet Office, which has to rubber stamp all IT spend over £5m. The …
I was at a meeting some years ago, where an Oracle executive described his company as a "strategic partner" of the Ministry of Defence. So, right up there with NATO and the Five Eyes nations* at deployment time, then?
This is what comes of not understanding the mission of the organisation. A bit like the risk assessment consultant who audibly gasped when told that the MOD had a high risk appetite for placing its employees in situations of mortal danger... and then got to the 'Oh, yes, I see' moment.
*Overlapping sets, yes.