Interesting to see that "Drudged" has become a verb... describe the act of having malware inflicted on your system by a skeezy Web ad. I don't know all the sordid details, so I won't say that Drudge Report deliberately serves up skanky ads, but I've always had the distinct impression that Drudge sure as hell doesn't care what kind of ads are served there.
I read Drudge Report regularly -- only for cheap laffs, of course -- and I noticed very early on that it was Skeezy Web Ad Central, notorious for the infamous wildly-flashing phony "Virus Alert" banners made up to look like a Windows alert box, along with other varieties of nasty-looking, tacky animated banner ads.
Mind you, it's been ages since I've seen one of those, as I've been AdBlocking, FlashBlocking and NoScripting like a sonofabitch for as long as that technology's been available.
Of course, I've also used only Macs for the past thirty years, so that helps, though I've never bought into the idea of "security through obscurity". Still, every time I read in the Reg about the latest Windows malware scourge, I think "there but for the grace of Steve go I..."