In the US...
In the US, after one of the recent heads of the FCC got pissed about people constantly calling him and the FTC (who were *originally* supposed to enforce the Do Not Call list) doing nothing about it... he found each and every FCC rule on the books he could fine people for and had the FCC start going after them. Also pretty ineffective.
But, Congress also passed a law saying *individuals* are allowed to go after these fuckers for like $500-$1,500 per call(depending on circumstances.) The FCC and FTC both still operate on some assumption that companies are at least trying to play by the rules and are almost totally stymied by shell companies. Individuals can do this however they'd like, though, people online fighting telemarketers will typically wait few weeks for payment, then have a judge put a lien against the responsible parties stuff (which the judge DOES say yes to.. and the responsible party is the actually responsible owner, not some valueless shell company, it's easy in the US to argue some shell company with a single owner, that the owner is actually responsible.) Then if they still don't pay up, send in martials, thugs, or repo men to take their stuff. Obviously if you claim a nice car is worth $1 a judge will have harsh words, but YOU get to decide how much the stuff is worth, not the telemarketer! Apparently many are so surprised at being sued that they simply pay up though. In one case, the person decided to seize all of their illegal autodialers as payment, when the FCC and FTC fine illegal telemarketers they are daft enough to not demand seizure of illegal equipment!