>How could any OS be responsible for security...
>... if someone was numpty enough to write a server which opens a port, lets people connect without authentication, and acts on commands?
And allows the infotainment module to command the car?
Whoever wrote that piece of sh*t should never be allowed near calculators, let alone computers.
Infotainment systems must be PHYSICALLY isolated from controls, be it in cars, trains, or planes - not a single cable - I know, Tesla do not get that one either. And software that is able to command a car should not be network aware ... if it needs to be patched, let a certified garage update the firmware, after 3 way authentication. Let it be 100% traceable, as in, you cannot update the firmware for a specific vehicle without the manufacturer getting involved, and the id of garages that updated the firmware must be stored in the car and at the manufacturers - if the firmware was updated by an unqualified person, or the id's stored in the the car mismatch with the id's stored at the manufacturers, it should be considered 0wned.
iiiii will never allow that, though ...