Arthur: Tricia McMillan? What are you doing here?
Trillian: Same as you, I hitched a lift. After all, with a degree in Maths and another in astrophysics, what else was there to do? It was either that or the dole queue again on Monday.
Susan Sheridan, a star of the BBC's radio adaption of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, has passed away aged 68. Sheridan voiced mathematician and astrophysicist Trillian Astra (Tricia Marie McMillan) between 1978 and 2005, on the much-loved radio series written by Douglas Adams. Colleague Susan Penhaligon …
I've had the pleasure of meeting all the H2G2 cast several times and Susan was a very, very nice lady, friendly, warm and unassuming, had a good memory for names and faces too.
Was truely saddened when I heard the news yesterday morning, hadn't realised she was ill.
Icon for 6 pints of bitter and two packs of peanuts please barman.
You are right, and the BBC have made the same mistake on their site too.
H2G2 started as the radio series, but as well as the 5 (some might say 6) books it encompassed TV, a computer game, a towel, a stage show, TV series, more radio with the 3rd, 4th and 5th books adapted and read by the original cast, the film, and the H2G2 Live! stage show, again with the main cast, was, like Douglas' own life, cut short too soon.
What would be nice is if the BBC rebroadcast the Character Invasion recording of the stage show from last year,
Or at least that what Zaphod Beeblebrox IV's thought was during his seance with his great grandson...
The entire cast of the original show made a huge impact to this now somewhat curmudgeonly old gal way back when it was first originally broadcast back in the late 70's and Trillian was always a standout for me - the girl who wanted better for herself and went out and made it happen. Ms Sheridan brought Trillian to life for me and I'll always thank her for giving me the impetus to not put up with the same shit that I might otherwise have done. If Trillian can leave the planet then this gal can certainly move to another country, gawd-dammit!
May Susan enjoy her life thereafter, hopefully now able to enjoy a meal and a large round of drinks (Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster anyone?) at Milliways because I'm convinced that's the easiest way to get there and not have to worry about getting back afterwards...
> the wake will be held in the Restaurant at the end of the Universe
> Attendance by Invitation Only
And invitations may be posted to oneself from the Big Bang Burger Bar where you can also deposit 1p which, by the laws of compound interest will be more than enough to pay for the funeral service when the universe ends.
Definitely worth growing an extra arm for.
Very sad. Susan Sheridan is something of a radio drama veteran, with so much more than just HHGG on her CV. She tended to be called on to play little boys in many radio plays and programmes for BBC Schools back in the day, and when I heard her in a play called "This Problem Of Yours" where she actually plays a woman, she sounded rather sexy!
The first series:
There are various others including a box[ed] set.
Unfortunately Amazon seem ill-equipped to list actors in Radio Series and the cast are all listed as narrators.