There is some other amateur stuff about.. Bussard reactor and that other bloke. Knowing nothing I have no idea how people might 'collimate' the 'beams' beyond suggesting that they do not. Having blurted as much there may be some thing whereby you can line up the incoming such that the outgoing goes in more or less the right direction.
That sort of shit is beyond me but interests me because if you were to go for fusion and pick a reaction that gives you 'charged' particles and the result could be directed then you could modulate the rate of production and blast said modulated charged particles down the centre of a coil of wire and generate AC electricity. IIRC it's called a transformer.
I would wave a smelly purple bell end about the place and suggest that one has to be more efficient than trying to boil kettles.
My Physics teacher at Skool was a cool 'old' dude with a passion for his art, both Physics and Teaching. Popped his clogs but not forgotten. I wish my mind would have been in tune... It could have been but the rest of the teachers were a bunch of fail and, of course, my head is not right.