Not everyone wants a flat slab of display. Hence sales of covers etc.
Sliders and flip phones make more sense.
Lots of people too, HAVE A LIFE! They have a tabet/Laptop etc for Internet / games / work. They just want a FLIPPING PHONE!
Of course it ought to have an MP3 player, Camera, Radio, calculator. That WOULD be like 1999 if you had to carry five gadgets instead of one.
Email? No, it can wait till I'm home, or I have the Netbook/Laptop with me.
GPS? I always know where I am, how to get were I'm going and how to get home. Or I study a map first.
Play Store, and other Google App? No thanks. If I want a Nintendo DS I'll buy one. If I want Google to know where I am, I'll tell them.
Web Browser.? You need a silly 5" to 6" phone and expensive data contract. No thanks.
I have big glass front Android phone. I never turn on 3G or WiFi data.
P.S. The Doro and some other phones supposedly for old people are overpriced and 2G Only. Some places only the Regulator needs 6 months notice for ending 2G and none to retail or users! It's assumed everyone has at least 3G.
Other places are keeping 2G (as it does some things better than 4G) and ditching 3G.