Re: Balanced values?
Attempt at a proper link ..
There is actually a lot you CAN do, but you must place that in context of the threat. A simple, but good start for most people is the realisation that there really is no such thing as a free service, and that your behaviour can affect others. Using Gmail, for instance, is paid for with the personal details that they hoover up by scanning your email and online activity, but it's worse: you also expose your correspondents to this scanning (as your inbox is scanned), and they never gave Google permission for that.
If you use WhatsApp, you give away the details of your friends (as the first thing it does is copying your address book to a US server), which is a neat end run around legislation which only compels a company to tell you if it's asking you for details, but not if it can get them from your friends - a classic example of how something may be legal, but nor right.
If you use FB, well, you may want to really READ those Terms & Conditions..