Donald Trump
Parody or real?
I can't tell.
Canadian hacktivists Telecomix Canada have defaced Donald Trump's website. The message, entitled "Your Moment of Zen, Mr Stewart" is a shoutout to Jon Stewart of the Daily Show for his steady criticism of Donald Trump. The announcement was made by Telecomix Canada on pastebin and says that the reveal of the server penetration …
"Parody or real?"
"Both! The first HeisenCandidate ever."
How dare you repress the first openly arsehole presidential candidate in American history! Do you not know how brave this righteous man is in displaying his arsehole beliefs for the world to see? Can you not understand the hardship he has had to go through in life just because he happened to be born an arsehole?
I'm shocked and dismayed that I have to read these sort of arsophobic comments even in the hallowed pages of El Reg...
This was kinda dumb on the part of the hackers.
You don't tug on Superman's cape,
You don't spit into the wind...
Trump will put his many, many lawyers on mad-money until these hackers are found and caught, then he will press state, local, and Federal charges. Then he will bankrupt their businesses, and the businesses of their friends.
This is what happens when you mess with an arsehole.
Trump will put his many, many lawyers on mad-money until these hackers are found and caught, then he will press state, local, and Federal charges.
He can throw all the money he wants at lawyers, but if they did the hack from a laptop in McDonalds or somewhere else with free public wifi (which, honestly, they'd be morons not to have done) the odds of actually catching them are pretty much nil.
This post has been deleted by its author
>>You don't tug on Superman's cape
Wrong superhero comic franchise.
I accept Superman did battle the odd alien, but that was always about outer space and other irrelevances.
Captain Comb-over is a superhetero for the 21st century. He realizes where the real alien menace is (Mexico).
"Parody or real?
I can't tell."
Does it matter?
If we look at the overall polls, while he leads the GOP with 20%, that means 80% of those polled in the Republican Party don't want him. Then there's the Independents and Democrats.
But here's the thing.
1) Say what you will, he's more honest than most of the other candidates. Walker and Kaisich seem to be fairly straight up individuals.
2) Look at Trump's underlying message. The Obama administration has screwed up this country so much.. and the world... things have to change.
It resonates with people fed up with those currently in Congress and the WH today.
Yes, he's an A hole. But unlike others, he admits to being one. He knows how to play to the audience and he's taking a stand and stating his opinion.
Now I admire Trump's openness and honesty. I admire the fact that he's not beholden to corporate donors or laundered money from special interests.
Will I vote for him if hey gets the GOP nod?
Definitely not. Well maybe if its Trump vs HRC.
ABC! Anybody but Clinton.
"Say what you will, he's more honest than most of the other candidates.
Or simply a brash personality chasing populist opinion?
Just because others are thinking it and he's prepared to say it; it doesn't make it any more right or even palatable. It does however fill column inches, much like Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins.
"Now he's mayor of London, and reportedly going to have a crack at PM one of these days."
Johnson's ambitions went pear shaped starting with the exit polls for the General Election. The Conservative Buller Right was only going to run the country if Cameron got wiped. He didn't...even the most Euro-sceptic Conservatives are rather quiet these days.
And Cameron would love it if Corbyn won, not because Labour would be unelectable but because it would open some centre ground for him to colonise. More Conservative votes from a centrist move = stronger position for Cameron, weaker for Johnson.
The situation in the UK doesn't resemble that in the US at all.
"People said the same things about Boris Johnson. Now he's mayor of London, and reportedly going to have a crack at PM one of these days."
But Boris is likeable - and we all really know the bumbling buffoon persona is an act.
You look at Trump and say "wow, he's an arsehole", and it's not just someone pretending to be an arsehole. If you watched the U.S. version of "Apprentice" or "Celebrity Apprentice", you got a feel for how he has no empathy, makes arbitrary decisions [quite often in direct conflict to what he's previously said], and is dictator material.
Hmm, hours later and its still there
Interesting. I wouldn't put it past Trump to have the website deliberately changed and then claim it's hacked, simply to get attention. He's done something similar before.
And to those people that sling insults at Trump calling him an "arsehole" - the man is worth billions of $$$, owns mansions everywhere, has his own plane, and bangs beautiful women all over the place. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of the life of luxury and privilege he lives. And oh, he bangs beautiful women everywhere. PlayboyTM playmates, supermodels, that hot chick on the corner.
So to you people calling him an "arsehole" - do you really think Trump gives a damn what you think of him? Do you? I'd live his life in a hot second. Wouldn't you?
I'd live his life in a hot second. Wouldn't you?
No. My people are worth more than my life or my comfort. I'd love to live a life of luxury, but not if the cost what my ability to care for others. And if I did have his wealth, I'd spent it - and my time - giving as much back in as long term and objectively beneficial a means as I could find.
That you would sell your humanity for fake breasts and a yacht doesn't reflect well on you.
Well sure, I'd like to have inherited billions. Since I can't really imagine the stresses that entails, it sounds great. I'm happy with my life where my net worth is a rounding error in Mr Trump's account.
Would I want that in exchange for my personality becoming like Trump's? Hell no. Same reason I don't do profitable but morally/ethically wrong activities, and so don't get as much money as some.
He's a rich arsehole who inherited all his wealth. Thus he gets the benefit of someone having done the hard work.
He's shit at business, if he had taken his inheritance, put in US Treasuries or Gilts, he would a) have more profit than he does now and b) not have lost investors money.
Now I've known plenty of shits just like him, just not quite believing their own crap quite so much as to want to be TV stars and running for public office. I've also known people who've inherited far more than Trump (and in lines of succession) who are genuinely lovely people.
As for "bangs beautiful women everywhere" I'll just have me a wee giggle at that. Apart from the hair/face/body I can see why there's a teenage excitement to wanting to be Trump.
I mean, his name alone is worth 3 billion :D
He's a rich arsehole who inherited all his wealth. Thus he gets the benefit of someone having done the hard work. He's lost all the wealth he inherited several times over. He inherited tens of millions, maybe as much as $200 million (that's the wildest estimates). He's worth billions. If you think he could have done that through treasuries then you fail at math.
Which is not to say he could have done it without that inheritance. Once you've got a certain amount of money it's pretty easy to turn it into more money. But few can do it as efficiently as he has.
Trump was given control of his father's company in 1971. If back then you bought 10 year treasuries, reinvested the interest, rolled over, etc. you'd have a 20x gain. Not saying that's the best investment you could have made in that time, but he's unlikely to have done much better than 20x unless you believe his fanciful claims of a net worth of $10 billion.
Once you've got a certain amount of money it's pretty easy to turn it into more money. But few can do it as efficiently as he has.
It's not hard. Hire some maths nerds. Give them funds to play with. Hire some jocks. Have them break the nerds if they don't produce.
Suddenly, you're richer.
"So to you people calling him an "arsehole" - do you really think Trump gives a damn what you think of him? Do you? I'd live his life in a hot second. Wouldn't you?"
Sounds like you're jealous. I'm not. Trump is an arsehole.
One thing is he has money but no taste, and he *thinks* he's the paragon of sophistication.
You'd think that after going to the trouble of breaking into Trump's website they'd post something at least half-intelligible. What is it about Anonymous cyber-hackery that makes people feel the need to ham it up like a Victorian pantomime villain?
Just about the only thing I gathered after reading it was, as El Reg says in the standfirst, that they think The Donald is an asshole.
In reaching out to The Register to publicise the breach
Seriously, what ever was wrong with any of the rich variety of single English words that describe a specific or general means of "contacting" somebody? "Reaching out" just sounds like someone's grabbing at a lifebelt while having an over-emotional sob about it.
Yes, but in an entirely different context; the sense it's used over here is in the sense of "outreach". The septics use it in the same context as we use 'contact' which, in many instances, makes it seem totally inappropriate. Imagine if we were to adopt that context - the thought of reaching out to someone like IDS… <SHUDDER>
Have an extremely belated up-vote, I thought I was alone in despising that phrase; off the top of my head, I can't think of another Americanism that irritates, annoys and grates on me more. Every time I see it I scream, almost involuntarily now, "The word is *CONTACT(ED)*, you ignorant fucking moron!"
I've begun to see it creeping into British publications now, too, our assimilation as the 52nd state is almost complete (I say "52nd", because Oz is almost totally Americanised now).
In other news, I need to find a better news app - this story is over a fortnight old and I'm seeing it for the first time today (19/08). Any suggestions anyone…?
Finally, there are some doubting the veracity of this; if I read it correctly, it refers to John Oliver as "an Englishman", which certainly makes me doubt the nationality of the author(s). Surely a Canadian, given Canadia's proud Scottish heritage, wouldn't be so stupid…?!
Off to find a better news-feeder.
First, anyone who is an US Citizen and eligible to run for the POTUS, has the right to run.
I will defend that. It doesn't mean that I would vote for that person.
Trump is smart. Say what you will, he's very good at expressing his opinion and is tapping in to the frustration caused by the actions of will go down in history as one of the worst POTUS in the history of this country. (If not the worst.)
What would make for a good election would be Jon Stewart running against Trump.
Or Colbert running against Trump for the GOP nomination.
The truth is... say what you will... while Trump may not be Presidential material, he's at least honest about his message and is willing to show his opinion, damn how it polls. What other candidates from either party are willing to do that? Oh and finance their own campaign.
@Lars: BS is not running for the GOP - it is reasonable to treat Trump in the context of the other *16* contenders!!!
The Dems have the HC machine with their knives out for BS too...
The common point is "outsiders" are not part of the Lobbying machinery that massages the politics to stay the same no matter who is elected.
Sanders beats Trump when pollsters ask, "if Donald Trump was the republican nominee, and Bernie Sanders was the democratic nominee, who would you vote for?" They aren't asking an open ended question "between Bernie Sanders and the 17 republican candidates, which one would you vote for?"
However, beating Trump head to head is a slam dunk for any democrat because over half of republicans say that would not vote for Trump under any circumstances in the primaries, and something like 7% say they'd vote for any democrat over Trump in the general election if he was the republican nominee! In reality I suspect most republicans truly couldn't bring themselves to pull the lever for either Sanders (an avowed socialist) or Hillary (an avowed Clinton) and would just stay home, but either way Trump winning would essentially guarantee the democrats win the election - and if enough republicans stayed home because they didn't want to vote for Trump probably hand congress back to the democrats as well.
Trump is an unmitigated disaster for the other republicans, who want to be talking about Obama and Clinton, not Trump. He's really a disaster for everyone but Clinton, as keeping the focus on Trump keeps Sanders from gaining publicity and mounting a serious challenge on her from the left when she wants to run from the center.
I have a feeling you are not as mixed up with socialist and social as so many Americans seem to be. It's social security not socialist security, it's a social person not a socialist person, social awareness not socialist awareness and so forth. Sanders sometimes refers to the Nordic countries Germany and other countries. Countries with affordable education and health care for everybody plus private schools and private hospitals side by side. Non of the American shit with preconditions and people selling their houses because somebody in the family is sic or worrying if they can afford their kids university education. Progressive taxation where the richer pay a higher rate and not the opposite way. Common sense stuff supported from the left to the right in European countries. There are social democratic parties in all of Europe even if the name might vary. Sanders is a social democrat.
The interesting thing with Trump is that he has quite some support among Republicans if not as much perhaps as Sanders among Democrats. I think it's a good thing and what has happened in the USA is that people are waking up, realizing that they are run by people who do not represent them at all.
For the Republicans this will be more difficult to deal with as switching you voting habit is damned difficult. I know, and I would claim divorcing was easier. Trump is a joke, Sanders on the other hand is educated, smart, experienced and honest.
This youtube link is quite interesting and if you cannot see the difference between social and socialist then the Republican party was a socialist party in 1958, and it was not, just a decent party with some social awareness. Somehow I hope Americans start to realize what has happened to that party.
>one of the worst POTUS in the history of this country. (If not the worst.)
I think you mean "the POTUS who I like the least in recent memory". Read your history; there are a number of instances in which the POTUS almost ended this nation in disaster. This current guy may have a lot of bogus policies, but he is one of a long line of crooks, many of whom were far more damaging to USA's overall health.
All that guff in your post just so you can have a (racist?) jibe at Obama.
Worst POTUS in history? Only if your history is very, very recent indeed (like this decade.)
Come on, it's a bit like the joke about Eisenhower and Krushchev playing golf:
Worst of last two Presidents competition:
Obama second.
GWBIII next to last.
I think you might be on to something. Perhaps Trump's public and quite graphic opinions, make the "polished t*rd" of normal politicians all look disingenuous. Plus, since he is $RICH , most people probably think "he must have done something right?".
I can't vote. But the current dysfunctional binary dogma is obviously selecting for candidates that adopt this "push the message" mentality which leaves the details of to be manipulated by lobbying - or perhaps naked self-interest.
The very fact that Trump is self-financed and therefore not beholden to the normal Lobbying Machine, is scaring a lot of people who normally would be in positions of influence.
He may be an ass, and he is certainly no fool. The FUD is perhaps because he is an independently funded ass, and not so easily manipulated?
Maybe the site is insecure but jquery has NOTHING to do with it. An old version of jquery might be riddled with bugs but it's executed client side. And site protection is done server side so any vuln is clearly there - either not locking the machine down or using software / code that makes it vulnerable to some kind of injection attack.
I understand entirely. I used it as an obvious and easily checkable example of how the website's code was being left wildly out of date. Let's just say that I'm rather disinterested in publicly discussing more direct potential security flaws that could lead to compromise of the server itself by other groups before the admins have had a chance to patch.
I believe the point they were making was that the site is obviously badly made or out of date (or both), if it's using an ancient jquery version...
There can be security bugs in client-side code too. They're usually much less damaging than server-side ones, but they can still be bad...
personally I thought it was stupid, quite frankly, because I never thought Jon Stewart was all that humorous to begin with. I mean Trump is funny! Of course he's a ruthless business man who has built and lost more fortunes than most of us would ever see in several lifetimes, but I find it even more difficult to take him seriously because of his hair. FFS, in a soft breeze his head looks like it comes equipped with a convertible top. For those of you old enough, when the top is opened up, he looks like Bozo the clown. But I digress.
While trump might be a loud mouthed, self centered, narcissistic ass bag, he does appear to know business, whereas the current first pinhead never really held a public sector job. Damn it, I went off on a tangent again... Regardless of what your political alignment is, defacing the website of someone who's running for public office really doesn't accomplish much other than harden the opinions of that individuals supporters. Secondly, it's screwing around with a process that should be considered sacred to the citizens of the US, or at least the 30% who actually vote when they feel like it. Furthermore, to deface such a website with praise for someone who has less credibility and journalistic integrity of say... the entire cast of south park, family guy and beavis & butt head? It certainly doesn't say much for the people who did this.
Just my opinion.
Oh and for any other US citizens out there, honestly, I don't give a damn who you vote for, just vote. Otherwise we're going to get stuck with Trump, a shrill harpy who thinks she's above the law, one of a cast of countless idiots, rejects and morons from either side of the isle, or worst of all, Biden.
>Furthermore, to deface such a website with praise for someone who has less credibility and journalistic integrity of say... the entire cast of south park, family guy and beavis & butt head?
Just wanted to be sure to capture this drivel before he withdraws this post. A serious journalist not so much (by his own admission and the whole parody format) but unlike the twits on Fox News who actually try to pretend they are, his intent is to get you to laugh at the absurdity of it all not laugh at how absurd the bleach blonde presenters are unintentionally being.
> I don't give a damn who you vote for, just vote. Otherwise we're going to get stuck with Trump, a shrill harpy who thinks she's above the law, one of a cast of countless idiots, rejects and morons from either side of the isle, or worst of all, Biden.
Umm in your rant you sure seem to at least accidentally imply it doesn't matter who you vote for (sadly some truth to that). I would think someone with your political views would be happy with low voter participation as the only ones left voting are old white people who tend to share your views. When there is diversity in the voters the right gets their ass handed to them twice
Looks like the link is still working. LOL.
I think Trump is having a little trouble outsourcing a technician to fix it. He tried Mexico but they kindly told him to pound sand.
Next week, Trump-over will claim all that traffic to his site as legitimate. "This was the greatest single viral marketing effort in the history of mankind!"
He is driving the crowd to later benefit his businesses. Not because he has money does it mean that he doesn't want more. Maybe he wants to be like the guy from Televisa, a Mexican being the richest man in the world? Maybe he is just envious.
And obviously, IT is not a priority for him.
A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents. The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of $1.37. Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."
from materialism by Philip Greenspun:
So, will the Horribly-Bewigged one be able to resist talking about a) His apparently very amateurishly put-together campaign website being hacked, thus allowing people to learn how badly he and his inner circle uses new technology? b) being called an 'Openly Arsehole Presidential Candidate', thus allowing people to have the chance to look at each other and say, "Well he is an arsehole, really." or c) it being directed at Jon Stewart who, truth be told, is not the Donald's biggest fan.
If he's smart, or if his handlers sit on him long enough, he'll ignore the hack. The first rule for any politician is, don't take on the comedians, ever! As the saying goes, never wrestle a pig, you get covered in mud and the pig has a wonderful time. For Trump to directly address any comedian is just free material for the comedians.
quite sure, he will not get many votes from the thousands of people who´s lifes where destroyed by his manyfolds deliberate bankruptcies. Now he is going for the big shot: Taking over the U.nhinged S.tupids of A.nalrica, turn it into some dubious company and file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. He might even get away with it by ruining the legistative structures, or what´s left of it, while he is in power. Retirering to his volcano lair with a bonus of some $trillion. Well, they won´t be worth much after he´s finished his business. Just make sure the bra of todays Playmate does not get tangled up with the push button of "The Suitcase". What a comedy. If it was a C-Movie.