New Emoji request ...
... muscular bare-chested male riding a horse; holding an AK; wrestling a bear etc.
The Russian government is reportedly looking to ban "gay" emoji symbols over fears the same-sex pictures could violate censorship laws. Russia's Izvestia newspaper reports that Russian senator Mikhail Marchenko has issued a complaint that a collection of new emojis depict same-sex couples. Marchenko argues the emojis are in …
Could this be the classic reaction of a man who's unwilling to admit that he has a predilection for men? The rest of the world suspects that he's a bit closet but, possibly owing to a repressed upbringing, maybe he's unwilling to admit it to himself and embrace his true, rainbow hued, sexuality.
It's nothing to be ashamed of, Comrade. The only thing that anyone should feel ashamed of is not treating every human being with the respect and dignity that they deserve - by denying them the right to express and explore their sexuality in a safe and consenting environment for example.
It's Godwin's Law, after Mike Godwin, and it just says that if a discussion goes on long enough something will be compared to the Nazis. Get off my lawn etc.
"At the risk of violating Goodwin's Law, those high-ranking officials in Germany that were in charge of sending homosexuals to the chambers were themselves gay"
Not precisely. The leaders of the SA were, including Roehm. Part of the price of Hitler's gaining power was that the SA had to be purged. Roehm was killed before any Final Solution.
I think the record should be set straight on this because it's a slur on gay people to suggest that even the SA behaved like that. As far as I know the architects of the Final Solution were almost all hetero.
Really? Do you have data to corroborate that assertion on a generalized basis, not just as an anectdote? I know Hitler was aided into power by the Brownshirts, a number of whom were gay and in fact were liquidated during Kristallnacht. Thats in 33-34, gas chambers were 1940 and up.
Past 34? Who knows? Data, not rumor, is bound to be sparse if you consider the consequences of being outed. I certainly haven't heard of massive amounts of gay Nazis, I'd guess they'd have as big a proportion as any random group, but I welcome your insight.
Me? I find homophobia distasteful enough on its own, no need to drag in the old "jeez he's gay himself" chestnut. Though it does happen and can make for especially effed up bigots. A certain US TV preacher comes to mind.
Putin? Anything to make his electorate feel under external threat. That's been his modus operandi for a while now and the fools gobble it up.
"[...] president Putin's Young Guard youth group [...]"
The mention of a country's leader and his organisation of youth for indoctrination and coercion - reminds me of several instances in the past. In those cases the result was a violent tyranny for many of their people.
No doubt the Russian population is extremely conservative, but the post-Putin hangover is going to be crazy. A Russia where you can do investigative journalism without being assassinated.
However Putin has created a state of crooks and thieves. It could last beyond his exit.
RIP Boris, Anna, Litvinenko (good luck w that inquiry) et al
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" Letting the latter "investigate and prepare a report on" this corrosive subject would be far too risky from their perspective, no?"
If you can condition adolescents to do your bidding then they will be unquestioning and extremist - that is the nature of youth. They are fired by ideological idealism, action, power, and the need to be seen to be one of their peer group.
Examples: Mao's Red Book chaos in the 1960a - and the 1930/40s ideological youth organisations of Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan etc.
Maybe a good thing Putin doesn't have a son, or he'd try to set him up as another "president for life" when he's gone. Maybe he'll do that for a son-in-law, but more likely it will end up as a military coup. No way back into having proper elections when you're a dictatorship.
Thank God nothing like this would ever happen here in the enlightened west!