back to article Post-pub nosh neckfiller: Bacon and egg sushi

OK, sliced pork fans. In response to criticisms that our recent culinary trip to Hawaii – in search of the quite remarkable Spam musubi - simply did not feature enough bacon, we today present for your wobbly dining pleasure the very cutting edge of Anglo-Japanese fusion cuisine. Yes indeed, consider if you will bacon and egg …

  1. Efros


    Post pub nosh? As nice as it looks, I bet a pound to a pinch of proverbial it wouldn't look as good if it had been prepared with a tankful of 80/- under your belt.

    1. banalyzer

      Re: Ermmm

      but you want it cold so pre-prepared is the only way to go.

      Get that tankful down, open fridge, gorge

      sounds good to me

      1. Efros

        Re: Ermmm

        I suppose, but that requires planning and everyone knows a good session is almost never planned.

    2. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Oi Lester!

      pre-prepared ≠ post-pub

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Bacon's passé, Sausages are what it's cool to like, says Sausage Marketing Board!

      I'm not entirely sure whether the intent of the "post-pub nosh neckfiller" series is that you're actually *meant* to do the preparation in a typical post-pub state. Actually, I thought the whole point of post-pub food was that someone in a takeaway did it *for* you while you staggered home!

      In fact, given that it's generally only desired after you've had a few, it's not the kind of thing that you're going to prepare in advance either. :-)

      I mean, kebabs are probably *the* quintessential "post-pub" food, but could you imagine *wanting* one enough to bother while sober (enough hassle even then) or being *able* to make one while plastered?!

      That's why they're sold in kebab shops- more sensible to do that sort of thing on a larger scale, and while someone's paying (a sober) *you* to do it while they're incapable themselves!

      That said, interesting series and article, even if the current marketing-driven "I love bacon" bandwagon is starting to get a bit tedious. Yeah, bacon is good and all that, but enough already. Seriously, even the bacon-flavoured novelty shite isn't novel any more, it's just boring.

      (Not really blaming the "Neckfiller" series itself, as it seems to feature a wide range of unhealthy ingredients, of which this entry just happens to be bacon-based).

      I mean, let's be honest, sausages are great as well. Good-quality butcher's pork or beef sausages? Great!... but you don't hear people showing us how fun and devil-may-care they are by going on about their love of sausages, do you? Could it be that the bacon obsessives are mostly just trend-following bandwagon jumpers? Naahhh.... ;-)

  2. horsham_sparky

    Where's the Bacon?

    oh there it is.. and there.. and eggs.. OMFG! I think I've just had a pork-gasm looking at that!

    Top notch nosh el-reg, I thoroughly approve of the high porcine content :-)

    1. Hollerith 1

      Re: Where's the Bacon?

      Mr or Ms Sparky, I match you a pork-gasm and raise you a swoon.

      1. horsham_sparky

        Re: Where's the Bacon?

        you mean swine surely?

        and its mr.sparky to you :-p

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Where's the Bacon?

      The cat ate it

  3. x 7

    too difficult

    the post pub version should be

    fry bacon

    fry eggs

    boil rice

    flavour with tabasco and mustard


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Obviously your nights out are far too tame.

      Put empty frying pan on hob and turn on

      Go for a piss

      Forget about frying pan

      Awake to sound of smoke alarm

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Going by some of the nights out I've had with customers in that corner of the world I'd say the two are pretty much interchangeable after a good session! There was one particularly heavy episode involving Máotái where that was all I could taste and smell for about three weeks afterwards.

          1. x 7


            AKA Silage in a bottle

        2. Robert Helpmann??

          Up Your Game

          Lester, it looks as though you are having a lot of rice-fueled fun. You should get yourself a bamboo rolling mat for your maki rather than that press. They aren't difficult to use and I suspect you will get better results (e.g. link).

  4. Teiwaz

    Don't know about post-pub - but good

    As a bit of a fan of the culture of Japan, unfortunately cursed by the inability to find genuine sushi in any way appetizing, I have been handicapped - until now...

    Excellent recipe I shall have to give it a whirl.

    As for the post-pub moniker, maybe should be consumed while drinking, as done in many Japanese drinking places (and many other countries), and if we did more of the same we would not have the unhealthy and shameful binge drinking culture we have.

  5. 45RPM

    Last weeks effort was grim - this week looks very tasty, and I look forward to giving it a bash.

  6. Steve Evans

    Sorry, but I can't help feeling that if you left the eggs and rice out, you would have so much room left for more bacon.

  7. Grikath

    Now this....

    Is a thing of beauty...


  8. Tromos

    Why are you wasting our time with this?

    Undercook the bacon so it doesn't go crispy? To think I'd come across such sacrilege! Limp bacon is an abomination that has no place in post-pub cuisine. Proper post-pub bacon is shoved under the grill and forgotten about until the smoke alarm goes off.

    1. KBeee

      Re: Why are you wasting our time with this?

      Smoke alarm? Oh, you mean the bacon/toast is ready alarm

  9. Mark 85

    A true post-pub nosh..

    ...would be to combine several of these recipes. Only because after a tankload, one tends to mix and muck things up badly. At least that's the way it is around our place. So much so, we've taken to preparing the nosh and putting in the fridge before we leave, sometimes a day early.

    Which reminds me, I think there's something in the fridge from a week ago or so.... need to check and if it's blue and fuzzy*, toss it.

    *My mom taught me that there's no such thing as blue, fuzzy food.

    1. x 7

      Re: A true post-pub nosh..

      blue fuzzy food?

      In my house thats called Stilton

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: A true post-pub nosh..

      *My mom taught me that there's no such thing as blue, fuzzy food.

      Sad. If you've never had smurf en croute, you've never lived...

    3. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

      Re: no such thing as blue, fuzzy food

      Don't be so quick to write off fuzzy food, especially if you've been off world.

      To wit, the obligatory Hitchhiker's quote:

      "[Arthur] almost danced to the fridge, found the three least hairy things in it, put them on a plate and watched them intently for two minutes. Since they made no attempt to move within that time he called them breakfast and ate them. Between them they killed a virulent space disease he'd picked up without knowing it in the Flargathon Gas Swamps a few days earlier, which otherwise would have killed off half the population of the Western Hemisphere, blinded the other half, and driven everyone else psychotic and sterile, so the Earth was lucky there." - Douglas Adams, So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

  10. ecofeco Silver badge


    Great recipe, but what really floored me was the girl on the first page who looks exactly, and do mean exactly like my niece. Quite a surprise.

  11. x 7

    So Lester......was it you who made the 999 call to the police after Kat ate all the bacon?

  12. NanoMeter

    I understand the bacon and egg part

    I do however not understand people like eating raw fish. Ugh...

    1. Rampant Spaniel

      Re: I understand the bacon and egg part

      I hear you, I thought the same until I moved to Hawaii. It depends on the fish. Cod will make you ill, but ahi (tuna) should never be cooked, it's obscenely good raw. I probably wouldn't try it with stuff bought from somewhere like Tesco though.

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Finger-licking good!

    Miss (Mrs?) Katarina's left hand is showing us a finger. Can't figure out which, though.

  14. Rampant Spaniel

    Get back to Hawaii and try some poke :) A bowl of spicy poke (siracha, wasabi, and mayo for the sauce) helps remove the fuzz from inside the skull, you can even go half and half with Kahiko style and replenish any lost salts. Coupled with a bacon sandwich is the best post supping breakfast I've found.

  15. Your alien overlord - fear me

    Err, why did you substitute seaweed for bacon? You don't get 'pigs in a seaweed cover' do you, there's a reason why non-crispy bacon is thin, so you can wrap it around filler stuff.

  16. Rampant Spaniel

    Has anyone ever tried bibimbap after a shesh? I doubt you could make it (unless you are Korean and have all the fixings as leftovers) but it would probably do the job quite well.

  17. Bleu

    In Korea,

    sushi with ham and egg is popular.

    The California roll, invested by a Japanese chef in CA, is a staple in Japan.

    I cannot imagine nori going with fried egg or bacon, or bacon to going with sushi rice.

    Wrote an earlier post, had recipe suggestions, met a 71-y.o. leukaemia survivor, more interesting than posting on the 'net, went for a walk in a garden after, was logged out when I tried to preview and post.

    There is some time-out problem with posting from Opera Mini, it goes tits-up (I think that is the English) in a certain time.

    Lovely presentation from post-pub nosh, I will try to send the recipe suggestions later, but nori on a fried egg, and fried bacon riding on oshizushi, I cannot imagind the flavour combo working. Too salty, to start.

    I must be doing other things now.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    About that top tip

    Our top tip here is if the edge of the nori won't stick to the sheet during the rolling process, wet it with a little water.

    My even-topper-tip would be to retain a little of the salt/sugar/vinegar mix from the sushi rice and use that.

  19. HighHo

    Have just ordered myself some sushi mould things so I can try this one!

  20. cynic 2

    I read this article all the way to the end with a sense of dread. But luckily, the bacon-flavoured genetically-engineered seaweed didn't appear. Whew!

  21. Death Boffin

    Bacon Abuse

    Bacon should never be paired with the taste of fish! This is heresy against the holy order of the pig.

  22. JeffShultz


    I'm sorry, but that limp, greasy substance you laughingly called bacon is sickening. Real bacon is fried (even deep fried) or even microwaved until it is a dark reddish brown color, and cannot be bent without breaking. Only then is it worthy of the name bacon.

    British cuisine. Fagh.

    1. Roo

      Re: Bacon?

      "I'm sorry, but that limp, greasy substance you laughingly called bacon is sickening. Real bacon is fried (even deep fried) or even microwaved until it is a dark reddish brown color, and cannot be bent without breaking."

      Sounds ghastly.

      "Only then is it worthy of the name bacon."

      You should head to Kirkby Lonsdale in the UK and try a Bacon Butty from the outfit at Devils Bridge if you want to learn what real Bacon tastes like. The slimy water infested stuff turned into jerky that you're talking about doesn't qualify.

      "British cuisine. Fagh."

      Choking an your wood disguised as bacon ?

      1. x 7

        Re: Bacon?


        I take it you don't ride a Harley ;-)

        None of that damned American farm & tractor technology.....

        1. Roo

          Re: Bacon?

          "I take it you don't ride a Harley"

          You'd be guessing right, that said I don't have anything against Harleys aside from the fact many owners/riders willfully derive their joy at the expense of wrecking other people's enjoyment of peace & quiet.

          The bikes are fine in themselves. :)

  23. x 7

    we've not had any recipes recently? Is that another weekend staff cutback?

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