Re: A victim of a pandering book written 100 years ago
You are absolutely wrong. Falling populations in Japan and Korea (South Korea's birth rate is even lower) are not for all good reasons, the magnetism of big cities, unrealistic expectations, huge emphasis on vanity in pop. culture), but the polities in these countries choose not to replace and wipe out the existing populations, which is already happening in many places in Europe (sure, only localities for now).
I have not seen the latest projections for when the world is to hit 8,000 million, but it will be very soon.
Big shock to see how quickly it reached 7 from 6,000 million.
All of the stories from demographers about how it will all level out at 9,000 million and start to fall sometime really soon now were just deluded lies. Fairy tales. Demographers now admit it.
Economics ideologies based on constant exponential population growth have only one end, a disastrous collapse. What happens when the population crosses 10,000 million and continues to soar?
What happens to the natural world?