turn me on
1. Will any HORNET code or methodology migrate into Tor?
2. When will a HORNET-based system be available for the masses?
Five academics have developed a Tor alternative network that can handle up to 93Gb/s of traffic while maintaining privacy. The HORNET system is more resistant to passive attacks than existing anonymity networks like Tor and delivers faster node speeds for a "practically unlimited" number of sources. It is the brainchild of …
It is the brainchild of leader researcher Chen Chen of Carnegie Mellon University, together with Daniele Enrico Asoni, David Barrera, and Adrian Perrig of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, and George Danezis of University College London.
All of whom have sadly died in freak accidents involving presentation fountain pens.
lol I just googled:
hornet network
...and the top result is: Hornet Networks Gay Social Network... Meet more than six million guys worldwide... Hornet makes it fun and easy for gay, bi, and curious guys to meet each other.
I'm wondering if it would have been better to find something that wasn't an existing network and based the acronym/name on that, so the masses can find it easily through google.
I got the same from New York and thought perhaps your results were tied to a specific area. So I tried it from the Netherlands, same result. How about Ukraine? A little better - gay social is number 3 there. Hornet is a great name though, regardless of what you use it for.