Hockey just stated in a recent conference that they are spending $70B on the MTM.
Australian Government hopes to untangle NBN migration mess
Australia's government is looking for industry input into National Broadband Network (NBN) migration policy, and wants submissions by August 20. Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull's statement says the new round of consultation seeks a migration framework that is both industry-led and focussed on the end user. The …
Monday 20th July 2015 05:50 GMT mathew42
Re: Why force people to move?
Because without those customers on the NBN, the financial viability of the NBN is called further into question. One would think that the $800 per customer that Labor agreed to pay Telstra for each customer to be migrated would be ample incentive for Telstra.
Clearly those not migrating to the NBN don't understand the benefits. However if they don't use more than 10GB/month then they may find that 4G is a cheaper solution.
Monday 20th July 2015 08:39 GMT AnthonyP69
Why do you need to switch your PSTN service
If the NBN is using the MTM tech why does anyone need to switch there services? I would assume that the PSTN line in a Cable area would not be touched.
If you are getting FTTN then NBN should be wiring the PSTN line back into the Telstra exchange after they cut and split your existing line on to the FTTN MUX.
Tuesday 21st July 2015 07:48 GMT DiViDeD
Re:we are still discussing Labor's incompetent NBN implementation.
Aa opposed to the LNP's incompetent installation, of course. It really is time Australian's realised that it simply doesn't matter what colour rosette a weasel is wearing. It's still a weasel. And in most cases, a self serving, incompetent weasel.