Re: out of control
What a fuckwit. So we should just stick with something released in 2002 and never improve upon it?
1.1 was a replacement/augmentation for 1.0 (i.e. anything that needs 1.0 would run in 1.1)
3.5 and 3.0 were augmentations for 2.0 (i.e. they just added extra features to 2.0)
4.6 and the 4.5 branches were augmentations for 4.0.
So the most number of .NET versions you actually have installed is 3, with varying levels of "service pack" (some of which were bugfixes, some of which are feature releases) if you want to look at it that way.
3.5 was included in Windows 7.
4.5 was included in Windows 8.
It really isn't a problem for most people, you fucking moron, and it's far more manageable than the utter rat's nest of shite that is Java, and the ton of code that's in the wild and relies on 10-year-old unsupported versions of JRE that are as secure as going out leaving your front door wide open with your 50" telly on view through the front window in the middle of Toxteth...