How's his schedule for the next couple of months?
I'd like to nominate a couple of places here in the U.K. that could do with his "guidance".
North Korea has executed the manager of an underperforming terrapin farm, following a "field guidance tour" of the site by Kim Jong-un. According to Daily NK, the chubby despot rolled up at the facility on the Taedong River in Pyongyang back in May (see pic, below), to find "some of the tanks were not adequately supplied with …
Any chance on doing a pet based posh-pub nosh special?
Terrapins (from NK)
Dog (from China)
Rabbit (Europe, Natch)
Guinea Pig (Ecuador)
Households all over the country are doting on their next meal - instead of eating it! It’s down to you, Lester, to show us the error of our ways…
Well, they eat dog in NK as well, plus they have in the past dabbled in giant rabbit:
So I suppose "Nork ragout of chien and énorme lapin a la Kim Jong-un" might be in order. The "a la Kim Jong-un" bit refers to the terrapin salsa used to spice the dish. Hmmmm....
As Lester says, probably for food. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that. They have been a delicacy in the past and even affluent westerners eat things which seem particularly disgusting to others; eels, oysters, frog's legs, snails, squid, snake, and the list goes on.
Apart from taste, texture and toxicity, an animal is an animal, food is food. Though I'd just stick to the rice side-dish personally.
Okay, I got this. Follow along with me:
1. Norks are in the Axis of Evil(TM), meaning the State sponsors terrorism.
2. They sponsor the Madrid bombings, in which many terrapins get blown to bits in the lobby pond of Atocha station.
3. In NK, Halliburton == the state.
4. They mean to win the re-terrapinification contract!
Simple really.
He might genuinely believe it was the manager's fault. If nobody dares report problems to him, and everywhere he goes he sees happy cheering crowds (because anyone not happy and cheering will be shot), he could be so cut off from reality that he simply does not believe excuses of problems and shortages.
Apparently some refugees from North Korea say that they did believe that it was the best country in the world, because they saw nothing but propaganda.
He wouldn't be the first dictator to not realise what's really happening (unlike the Tories, who know exactly what they're doing to the poor and revel in it).
Personally, I kinda like terrapins.
If a guy had horns growing out of his head, he'd probably attempt to disguise it with exactly the kind of hairstyle that we see in the photograph. And he'd wear shoes to hide his hooves. And he'd keep his tail in his pants so you'd never see that either.
Makes you wonder...
Not to be a party-pooper or anything, but I did find the levity of the article a bit disturbing given that we are talking about the execution of a guy for the inefficient running of a terrapin farm. For all we know, this chap had a family and/or dependents and I'm pretty sure they don't think it's very funny.
It's not really that funny, guys.
Terrapin falmer killed for not feeding the terrapins properly, I mean seriously, what does the supreme leader know about terrapins anyway? The whole story from North Korean defectors as stated in the article is utter bullshit like most of the stories about North Korea. I can't say for definate as I've never been. How on earth did the story get out? Did they broadcast it on North Korean TV? Would someone that works on the farm tell someone given that a farmer at the farm was killed just for not looking after the terrapins with the risk of the supreme leader ordering all their executions? It just doesn't sit right and for that reason I commend the comedy shown.
read the official state media coming out of North Korea, it makes you think one thing.
"I'm sure the official translator is having a laugh, nobody could believe this pap"
So I guess the defectors write their news in much the same way
Its bit like one side publishing the star and the other publishing the sunday sport(but without the boobies)
Both are equally valueless when it comes to the news..