Working out of North Herts I had a customer to visit somewhere south of the river so my planned route in was mainline to Kings Cross and then southbound Northern line to my destination
Got into Kings Cross normally and made my way down to the Northern line platform only to find it so packed that I couldn't even get out of the short link tunnel onto the platform itself
There was no indication of anything untoward except for it being a very busy morning but after a couple of minutes with not trains going through to relieve the congestion I decided to try hopping onto a different line and changing lines somewhere else on the network so I headed away from the Northern line but before I got very far London Underground staff started directing everyone to the exits
I came out of the station on the south side of Euston Road and could see all the other exits where also spewing out travellers so assumed something had happened to require Kings Cross to be evacuated but didn't think anything more of it at that point
Giving up on travelling from Kings Cross I decided to head towards Euston intending to get on the Northern line there but by the time I got there (along with numerous others who had obviously had the same idea) the external underground entrances were already closed off. Went into the main line area to find lots of people milling around but still no indication of anything unusual.
Exiting the station with the intention of a last ditch attempt at getting on the tube at Euston Square or Warren Street I tried ringing the customer to let them know I was going to be late but was unable to get a line. As I was just terminating the call I was walking across the paved concourse area just outside the mainline station sort of looking down at the ground a few metres in front of me when I felt\heard a dull whoomp that caused all the pigeons in the area to take flight and the puddles on the ground to ripple (think of the glass of water scene when the T-Rex first appears in Jurassic Park). I now know this was the Tavistock Square bus bomb exploding but at the time didn't really think anything of it, I've heard all sorts of strange sounds in towns and cities and this didn't seem to be anything particularly unusual and no one else in the area seemed to take much notice either.
Got to Euston Square only to find that it was also closed off, at this point I started to think "something is going on here". Tried ringing my office to get them to let the customer know I was going to be late but still no lines.
Subconsciously I'd sort of decided I wasn't going to make it to the customer and started to drift back towards Kings Cross but police officers had started to appear almost out of no where and were directing people off of Euston Road so I found myself meandering along the back streets south of Euston Road generally heading east towards Kings Cross but unable to actually get anywhere near to it due to the police tape that now festooned any road leading to it
Here and there a uniformed police officer was surrounded by crowds of people obviously trying to find out what was going on, I loitered on the edges of the crowds a few times but wasn't able to glean any real info
I finally managed to make contact with my office and told them that "something big" was happening and that I wasn't going to be able to get to the customer, they told me they'd already heard rumours of bombs but that info was sketchy, I asked them to contact my Mum to let her know I was ok.
Having finally decided to write off the customer visit I now needed to work out how to get out of London
The whole of the Kings Cross area was completely sealed off so no route through there, same for any of the tube stations I knew my way to (didn't know at this point that the network was in the process of being shut down completely), had zero knowledge of the bus routes not that there seemed to be many buses moving so decided to try to walk to Finsbury Park in to hope that there were still main line trains operating out of there
Did a loop to the east away from the Kings Cross area until I found a road that wasn't cordoned off at which point I headed north and finally found myself on what appeared to be one of the main roads where I started to check the small local area maps on the bus stops to plan my way following the bus routes I'd gleaned from the maps
As I was walking from bus stop to bus stop I picked up snippets of news coming from radio\TV's in various small shops I was passing and managed to piece together the generalities of the situation, multiple bombs, tube network shut-down, London on lock down etc etc
After what seemed hours of walking but was probably only about 40 or so minutes I started to see signs for Emirates Stadium so I at least knew I was heading in the right general direction and not long after that saw signs for Finsbury Park station
When I got to Finsbury Park I found it surprisingly quiet, there were a couple of rail employees stood outside the station but only a half dozen of so other people in the general area. I spoke the the rail employees asking them if they had "anything going north?" and was directed to an intercity train already sat at one of the platforms.
I sat on the train for maybe 30 minutes or so as other refugees gradually got on before the train eventually pulled out. Unusually for an Intercity train it stopped at many of the smaller stations so it seems it was being used for any and all who needed transport
I finally got to my home town at about 13:30, rescued my car from the car park and headed off to the office where I got lots of comments of surprise that I'd managed to get back so quickly as they'd heard all transport links were closed and I then got bombarded with questions about what had happened which is the wall of text you see here
And that was my day 10 years ago