"One day, I believe we'll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology,"
Somehow the concept of "rich thoughts" and "Facebook" seem to be somewhat at odds with each other.
Not content with wading into virtual reality with his Oculus gobble, Facebook kingpin Mark Zuckerberg wants you to be able to update your Facebook status with the unaided power of your mind - or so the Behoodied One said in a Q&A session on Tuesday. "One day, I believe we'll be able to send full rich thoughts* to each other …
Facebook will implode like Myspace and Bebo did, and no one will even remember who this 'dumb fcuk' was.... Zuck's biz model is just not sustainable, its just taking longer for something else to come along and replace it... But it'll happen eventually, and someone, probably with a more privacy minded approach to social networking model, will smash these guys...
Originally I thought it would take an exceptionally fresh day in Hell before I'd let Zuck near my brain, but I then realised what would happen.
There's no way he'd be able to handle that, so maybe the sooner the better, mwahahaha... :)
No, no, thanks, I'll be off my meds for a bit, thanks.
"One day, I believe we'll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology,"
hmyeah... unfortunately that means technology that would need to bypass my normal modes of input and my personal internal firewall filters ( which I've nicknamed "Common Sense") . I really don't think I'll be picking up on that one. I prefer the airgap between a retina screen and my own retina, thankyouverymuch.