what the hell do they do? do they package software into systems and send the boxed system to you or host it for you or what?
First Microsoft, now IBM: Box deals are coming thick and fast
IBM and Box are hopping into bed together, a move intended to satisfy their respective desires for cloud and scale. The companies intend to integrate their technology, including IBM content management, Watson analytics and IBM Verse and Connections social collaboration tools. The deal is the second big announcement for Box in …
Wednesday 24th June 2015 14:59 GMT Anonymous Coward
So MS and IBM working together again?
Let me guess the outcome will be the same as MSDOS & OS2 i.e MS stay long enough to steal anything not bolted down and IBM again loose control of the "common" IP.
All it seems to take to abuse IBM is MS saying "truely baby this time you can trust me not to c*m in your mouth, again"