...jeans and a shirt*, though? SRSLY?
*of the kind normally worn with a suit jacket. I mean you can have a denim shirt. But I would have mocked for that, too. Oh, yes.
Tim Worstall brought together rare minerals, bacon and eggs, and his own interpretive victory dance in his battle to stop us all worrying about running out of resources, at our most recent Reg lecture. In just under 50 minutes, Tim covered the economics of resources, why you won’t find a Ferrari in a scrap yard, and just what …
Even middle-aged though there is the ability to look good without trying to look "cool", whatever that is.
The wikifiddlers entry for "Smart casual" dress code actually shows someone wearing jeans, a shirt and blazer in the sidebar, apparently Topman magazine thinks that that sort of ensemble is viable for whatever bizarre fashion reasons.
YMMV, of course ^^;
Mic pack for an audience of 8.
If even one of them is Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing and uses a T loop then yes
If you want the video to be usable then yes
If you want to produce an easy transcript then yes
If you are pushing the video/audio to another room for the other attendees, then yes.
I don't see any reinforcement speakers, so I think we can assume that the mic is there for good pickup for other systems - rather than to assist with his vocal projection
"...claims victory over science..."
The number of downvotes on your comment makes me sad for science and peoples' understanding of it (hint: It is a process of 'critical thinking' which states that if something cannot be proved, it is likely not true though may require further investigation, and that which can be disproved should be abandoned. It's not that hard to grasp why this is important. Coincidentally, it is exactly this definition that "proves" that economics is not a science.)
Come on, prove me right with some downvotes ;-)
More upvotes please. A blind wife with a frozen shoulder, an autistic son, a guide dog that's allergic to trees, a cat with a propensity for random violence if I take too long getting his tea ready, a neighbour whose kid needs a lift to cubs or taekwondo every other night, being on stand by to go out looking for a senile father-in-law who insists he can walk to Bridlington (from Nottingham), and awaiting an autism diagnosis for myself, all mean I barely ever get to stray from the confines of the Midlands. Jeez, even if you did a lecture in my local pub it'd be touch and go whether I'd be able to turn up, but I'd certainly make sure dad-in-law was lightly dosed for the night, at the very least.
> a cat with a propensity for random violence if I take too long getting his tea ready
Or, as we call it in our house, "a cat". The rest is superfluous.
Doesn't apply to all of the resident felinoid overlords though. Some are more prone to the "make pathetic squeaking noises and try to look starving" school of hominid manipulation.
Upvoted - I'd love to sit in on something like this, even if I do think Tim is a bit of a fruit-loop in some respects! Do please come to the Midlands sometime, Tim! One of the things I love about The Register is the variety of opinion, and the standard of argument when we're not all either making attempted funnies or taking the pee out of each other. It does one good to have one's notions challenged, and occasionally one learns in the process, which can only be a good thing.
Upvoted, but I doubt Tim could teach me anything, besides stuff about his personal life for which I have absolutely no interest ... I now filter his articles, do not even bother to read them.
I think the Daily Mail would be a more appropriate rag for him to write for ... or maybe the Sunday Times? I dunno, any BS provider would do, if you ask me ...
@Tim, if you really think our resources are infinite, go and talk to the mayor of Miami who is spending millions of taxpayers $ to shift sand onto the beaches of County Dade - one example among a gazillion - only to see it dwindle back into the sea. Go do some research on why this is happening, when it started happening, and for how many centuries this had not been necessary. Tip: concrete evidence required.