back to article US students prevail in rocket-powered egg challenge

A group of Alabama students claimed the International Rocketry Challenge crown in Paris last week, pipping their British and French rivals into second and third places, respectively. The seven students from the Russellville City Schools – competing as RCS Engineers – were pitted against the UK's "Team Terminator", from James …

  1. JimmyPage

    Well done all !

    And great to see some gender balance in engineering. Y'all deserve one of these ------------?

  2. Don Casey

    No surprise

    For those on the other side of the pond... Alabama is home to Redstone Arsenal/Marshall Space Flight Center near Huntsville. Where the Saturn rockets and Army missiles are/were built.

  3. hammarbtyp

    Happy times

    Anyone remember the great egg race? These sort of challenges bring back warm memories when engineering involved more than minecraft

    1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: Happy times

      I do indeed. Top engineering boffinry.

    2. FredBloggs61

      Re: Happy times

      Professor Heinz Wolff in all his glory -- don't half bring back memories.

      1. TechicallyConfused

        Re: Happy times

        Loved that program.

        Does anyone remember "Now Get Out of That" Loved that too.

      2. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

        Re: Happy times

        Indeed, met him a few years back and he's still on cracking form.

        Alternatively I also give you Scrapheap Challenge in a similar(ish) mad engineering vein.

        TGER never did rockets (at least that I can recall), but SC did them in some form or other at least twice - S01E06 and S10E07.

        The second one's rocket powered trains, not quite the same but great fun and includes a home-made jet engine. First one's proper rockets though, albeit with snow globes rather than eggs. And had Bowser Munson in it, which is always a bonus.

        1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: Happy times

          Oh, and for those who want to waste a bit of time, I give you:

          Complete with 13 episodes from 1979-1986. Includes the first one (Egg Mobiles), in which the Prof was only a judge, not the presenter (that was Brian "Playschool" Cant, plus Charlotte Allen). Learn something new every day researching el Reg posts...

    3. slightly-pedantic

      Re: Happy times

      One of the regular judges, Prof Michael French died recently. Some of the younger people at his memorial event held an egg race in his memory.

  4. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Wow, egg lofting!

    I remember doing that back in the '80s with Estes kits. That is a seriously difficult engineering challenge.

    I see Russellville is 75 miles from Huntsville, where Werner von Braun and the rest put together the first US satellite.

  5. Roq D. Kasba

    Would have been two eggs if it was a UK contest

    Only in France is one egg une oeuf.

    1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: Would have been two eggs if it was a UK contest

      Terrible stuff. Proceed immediately to the corner with the pointy chapeau.

      1. Roq D. Kasba

        Re: Would have been two eggs if it was a UK contest

        Surely a contender for comment of the week ;-)

        I was quite proud of it!!

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