back to article WikiLeaks slips out YET MORE Sony SECRETS

WikiLeaks has added more than 275,000 documents to its trove of data lifted from Sony Pictures Entertainment as a result of its infamous hack by “North Koreans”. The leaky boat first published Sony's stuff in April, when it released 30,000 docs. At the time, it argued its actions were justified because Sony was “at the centre …

  1. Mark 85

    Still blaming the Norks?

    I'm not sure the Norks would be releasing this to Wikileaks just on principle, especially anonymously. This either is or might have been, bit a coup in their minds if they had done it..

    As for the ethics of Wikileaks releasing it, like any other organization, public or private, it reflects the ethics and principles of it's leader.

    1. Gordon 10

      Re: Still blaming the Norks?

      Out of interest - has Wikileaks made any statement as to why they are publishing this stuff? Is it just sticking it to the Sony man or is there some genuine public interest, or are they just courting the publicity?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Still blaming the Norks?

        There's some BS about public interest because Sony blah blah North Korea blah blah government blah.

        IMHO this undermines Wikileaks, period. Exposing military cover-ups over civilian deaths is one thing. Randomly exposing anything you can get hold of is something else.

        I'm sure Assange (TM) has a mission but I don't think it's as benign as you might think.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Still blaming the Norks?

          /IMHO this undermines Wikileaks/

          Tell that to their employees. When a company is informed by auditors almost a decade earlier that they are negligent and in additional negligence they ignore the report, they get what they get.

        2. Fungus Bob

          Re: Still blaming the Norks?

          IMHO this undermines Wikileaks"

          In order to present an alternative way to look at Wikileaks I will badly paraphrase a SNL skit done when Mark Zuckerberg was named Time's man of the year: "Facebook takes all your private information and gives it to corporations, Wikileaks takes corporation's private information and gives it to you."

    2. Angol

      Re: Still blaming the Norks?

      Please learn the difference between "it's" and "its"

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Still blaming the Norks?

      Your absolutely right... It reflects the ethics of it's culture and its leaders.

  2. bazza Silver badge

    Vulture Memory Loss

    "For the record, we've searched the trove for “The Register” and can find nothing incriminating."

    Surely they've not forgotten this?

  3. thomas k

    ... can find nothing incriminating

    That must be disappointing. Bummer.

    1. Frederic Bloggs

      Re: ... can find nothing incriminating

      Must try harder : 2/10

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: ... can find nothing incriminating

        Course you have to wonder WHY they're looking so hard...

  4. Schlimnitz

    "WikiLeaks was making North Korea look good"

    In comparison?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Aw poor Sony, I still haven't forgotten the free Vaio OS upgrade from Vista to W7 that cost £25 P&P.


  6. Luben Solev

    ... can find nothing incriminating

    The only thing worse than bad no publicity! :-)

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Send them to prison

    Posting stolen documents is a crime and the perps should go to prison for 5 years so they gain more respect for law.

    1. elDog

      Re: Send them to prison

      You are my hero! We can fill the prisons with various elected officials that decide to "leak" their precious knowledge.

      In the fine USofA we'll have a great time with Betrayus, Cheney (and Scooter), every congressman giving a news conference. I'm sure that the Brits and other countries don't have people that drool tidbits to show how important they are.

      Can we release those currently in prisons that are there for much lesser crimes?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Send them to prison

        There's a difference between leaking information you're authorized to have due to your position, etc.. and taking information without authorization, then leaking it.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Send them to prison

      Yes we must always strive to protect our fine corporate citizens like Sony and Dow chemical. As long as we're all following the letter of law.

  8. Arezzo

    Mirror, mirror

    Which is the most boring, Sony or Wikileaks?

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