$20,000 hammers
The military don't actually spend $20,000 on a hammer, it's just an accounting fudge.
You have a delivery of parts and tools, with a total cost. Accounting wants a cost per item, so just divide total cost by number of items and assign it.
So you get an order that has a $500 hammer, and a $500 jet engine.
Unsurprisingly, the hammer costs less, and the jet engine costs more. But you only ever hear about the expensive hammer, because it fits into the pre-existing conclusion of "government be crazy wasteful"
Same way as McDonalds PR has managed to make the "Hot Coffee" lady story out to be about frivolous lawsuits instead of corporate negligence.
Repeating simple stories to confirm an existing bias just makes people look stupid.
Or if it's about "Negros lustily raping white women" then you get nutty white guys shooting elderly lady preachers.