Bureaucrats and managers
never have the slightest idea. Anyone with experience will remember that mainframes, Unix minis and workstations and independent (i.e. NOT MS, NOT Apple) eight- and sixteen-bit systems were the cream of the crop for many years.
British regtards should be especially ashamed, you had a great position on the eight- and sixteen-bit machines, thrown away to favour the US push for dominance.
In our case, the TRON OS was the world's best until very recently, but the USA ran very dirty campaigns to ensure that it did not become a major OS on desktop and notebook computers.
The government in Japan, in collaboration with NEC, among other makers, announced a plan to make TRON desktops for schools, much in the same way as Apple's similar product placement at times.
The US occupation authorities were livid, they made many threats. It was also the reason for attacks on our production of large and efficient DRAM.
The same process is endlessly repeated in WWW tech.
UK is, from what I see, a different case, the ruling class hates those with some idea of science and tech., so the flowering in the eighties to early nineties swiftly died on the vine.
You are supposedly a 'victor' of WWII, but in truth as much an occupied nation as Japan, although with fewer arsehole US soldiers (sure, not all arseholes, but most are).
The US info dominance will not last too much longer, for example, many people in the world know that the USA de facto supports IS nutters, you only need a quick search to see IS morons riding US-supplied tanks,'Humvees', wielding US-supplied anti-tank and anti-aircraft (which can easily fell a civilian airliner somewhere else), US desert camouflage, US body armour.
Transparent to sane people.
Mad world, indeed.