Re: Silly question
So, careful with those disinformed opinions of yours.
A few years back I had a friend in NZ who was in an altercation with his wife. Police were called.
The first things the police did were 1 officer call paramedics while the other started CPR on him. It was stated later in court that had the police arrived even a minute later he would've died from his injuries.
He spent several days in a coma in hospital, and recieved further charges for failing to appear in court. They were thankfully dropped.
He got life-threatening injuries, and a prison sentence.
She got the house, and to spend some time in government-funded "victim counselling".
It should've been clear from the lack of any injuries on her and the extent of injuries on him, especially defensive-type wounds to the arms, that she was the aggressor. But she's a woman, he's a guy, so he must've assaulted her or somehow been entirely at fault.
Not all men are automatically abusers, and women aren't automatically victims. Quite often (some stats suggest most often) women are the more violent. And some countries are still backwards enough/under the grip of feminism and won't recognise this.